The lanky creature twisted his body, loosening the buttons which held his drapes closed. With this, Sciaac revealed yet another bizarre thing regarding his anatomy. Folded across his chest were an additional set of arms strategically placed to maintain quick draw functionality in case of emergency. With these extra appendages, he would not draw his weapons, however. Instead, he’d maneuver on a pivot, slithering his way behind Arem, locking his arms in an iron clasp like grip around his chest from behind. “Do not be alarmed…” he spoke in a raspy but sophisticated voice. “I only intend to transport us the most efficient way…” Using his upper limbs, the creature extended his arms onto a tall stone structure; digging his claws into it so deep it began to protrude on the inner steel. Pulling back, he worked to create tension and gradually he built it to an extreme magnitude. Gazing into the atmosphere, it was apparent the conditions were only becoming more severe, but his headstrong nature was on full display. Releasing his talon grip on the pavement, both he and Arem were whipped into the sky, immediately being pelted by intense winds and varying clods of moisture. Holding his body tight, they torpedoed into the haze, which obscured their vision, but kept them into a relatively straight path. When reaching their apex, Sciaac’s biosuit adjusted in compliance with his morphing body shape, allowing his webbed, wing-like limb connectors to glide them both a considerable distance. In not much time, they would reach their destination, although the duo was bound to regret it. With the interfering winds, there was simply no way to make a gentle landing. “Brace yourself” was the only warning Sciaac could give, but even then he was blindsided by a light which unknowingly to him was a byproduct of necromantic energies. Realizing he was low to the ground, Sciaac dropped Arem about nine feet or so out of the sky before crashing several meters further down. Clenching his body unrealistically tight, the alien creature was able to minimize much of the collision with the earth. His rubber-like frame in combination with his biosuit, aided him greatly, though, his landing was far from graceful. He had another problem afoot. Sciaacs fall sent him bowling into a portion of the undead horde. In some ways this worked in damaging a few, but overall placed the creature in unfavorable position. In the very early stages of being ravaged by the multitude of creatures, he could not help but scramble for a grip of one of his powerful firearms. Every other free limb was occupied in attempts to fend off a skeleton right on top of him. In the struggle, he was baptized in rotted, once hanging flesh all over his body and face, cascading him in an unbearable scent. He now reeked of a carcass. Much to his luck, he and his new found companion were close to the pillars entrance, but with as much progress as they made, in the end, it could all be for naught. Such is the nature of Rzail.