After Maria was put in place by Ritsu, she had just watched Katya go in to visit Elora on the video feed. While she didn't hear what was going on, she did see the amount of distress Elora was in throug her body language...even more so after Katya was escorted outside the pod. While she couldn't hear Elora again, she did "mind link" with her during that fight with the Cruxi back at the Cruxi she was sure she felt the same way about their P.O.W... Some time later, she was lined up with the other pilots saluting at Lorenzo as he explained the situation...and didn't take kindly to what they did with Serah. And after hearing what Ritsu said they COULD do to Elora if Lorenzo hadn't stepped in, she had made up her mind. Sure, she was concerned about the P.O.W. Cruxi still because it could STILL try to pull one last mind trick of sorts to turn this base or Solaris into a living hell, she was just too emotional right now. Her worst fear...the same fear that Neo Angel showed would embrace it...all the goods and bads that came with it. Maria also knew that Lorenzo wasn't going to help her after he heard him use the word "Dispissed". He was too busy licking his chops on grilling the P.O.W. Cruxi. So it looked as if it may come down to her and whatever help she could get to help with making a case to help Serah and Elora. She didn't stick around to greet the new pilots. Even more so with Princess El herself...their history wasn't exactly great the last time they had met but that was when she was "Seven". Still, Maria didn't want to deal with her at the moment. She then saw Jake walk towards the princess before she grabbed him by the arm and away from the general area. "Whoa whoa easy", Jake quicky said as he started to follow her. "Jake. I need help", Maria said as they continued to walk. "Ah. I know where this is going. Don't even have to say boing." "No Rhymes. Just help." "Ok ok sorry. It's about Serah right?" "Yeah. I want to mount a case in support of her and Elora." Jake looked deep in thought after that as they walked. "Cafeteria Jake?", Maria then offered. "I'd perfer somewhere more private. I don't think everyone on this ship is going to want to support them." "I know but I'm...stressed...I need food right now anyway", Maria admitted. "Alright then. Meanwhile, I'll start seeing what we can use for evidence. I had looked at our sync rates during the last mission and saw the drops everyone on Infiltration had taken. That could be one piece of evidence to use depending on how we present it", Jake then said. "What about comms? Was that recorded?", Maria then asked. "I'm sure it was but...not sure if that "screaming" I heard briefly before my comms temporarily shut down was recorded. That Cruxi really did a number with it there", Jake then said. During the walk, Jake had taken out his tablet and started getting the data together to see what they could use. They soon made it to the cafeteria and after waiting in a line, got their food and sat at a table far in the corner of the cafeteria. "So Jake...we need to get support. First off, who can we use?", Maria then asked. "Well for one, anyone at the site of the "incident" would be a start. Commanding officiers too but I doubt they'll help. Your temper before didn't help you with Elise even though you felt guilty about her eye and apologized to her about it beforehand", Jake then said. Maria just closed her eyes on that and shook her head. Taking a bite of her sandwich while Jake took a bite of his hotdog, she asked, "Ritsu?" "Let me think-uh nope", Jake flatly responded. "Jake. Seriously", Maria then said. "I am serious. She personally told you the score with Elora. She's a sticker to the rules. Trust me on that", Jake said. "Not from what I've seen. She is compassionate when necessary." "WHEN necessary Maria. But I can tell, she doesn't belive in out-of-control frameworks nor mind-controlling Cruxi." "Stupid question but Lorenzo?" "Ha. That guy only cares about Elora and the P.O.W. Cruxi at the moment. He could care less about Serah right now." Maria let out a sigh after all that. "So no high ranking officiers...unless Katya steps up", Maria then asks. "I...don't know her mind set too well but it depends on what she felt happened in there. Remember though, were trying to get support. Talk to the wrong person about what were planning to do and they could well turn on us and support Serah and Elora's execution-" "I know I know!", Maria suddenly said. Taking a deep breath, she then said, "Sorry. I'm just-" "I know Mai. Still trying to get used to "feelings" again. Sorry matter what type it is, a courtroom is still a courtroom. If it goes that far, this is what most likely is going to happen...not everyone is going to be behind us on this...", Jake then said. They then ate a little more of their food while Jake continued to get data that could help them out.