[h1]2018[/h1] [h2] Year of the Dog[/h2] Happy New Year, I am looking for a semi-realistic casual NRP based in 2018 semi-realistic meaning no sci-fi, fantasy etc. To make this interesting I have added these twists. Nuclear weapons were never invented so you would have to do R&D for them The space race never happened Technology/military is in the 90s I have created these rules to even the playing field. Everything else will stay the same. You will be free to throw all your laws out the window if you so please. Also there is a "UN" but you can choose to join. That will be a group voting on how I GM. But I want this to be player run. [h3] Set up/Rules [/h3] How to play Pick a country Research the country to the best of your ability Fill out the CS, 4. Get accepted 5. Join the world Rules Use logic, I don't want to see colonization of mars from a country with no space agency Don't be a dick Don't be OP, if I see a third world country with a 5 million strong army but 6 million population I'm calling BS. But I want the players to run this RP, I should be a resource not a leader. Now go, go write your interest for a Whole realistic modern NRP, and to use the shitty RP click bait... With a Twist! Expect a CS to go up with an OOC after he hit my goal of say 5 players. Damn I feel like a YouTuber hit my like goal guys.... [hider=For those Aliens/People under a rock][img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/6b0a/th/pre/f/2012/232/1/6/big_blank_world_map_by_fenn_o_manic-d5br9ph.png[/img][/hider]