Well it makes since with connections to said ________ that he would be more on the line leaning. Right now it makes since in his mind to find _____ to return to his 'lord'. And ya, curb stoping might be a thing, but he will have the same force of say a humanoid stranght to size. Given right Edword stands around 6' 8". Around 250 LBS. Assuming body mass total. We can assume he is more muscle but right now under weight. So around 190. (This is all before adding muscle weight mind you and the weight of his scales/scute if you like. So if I do some research I will have that for you. Starting time now after third Irish Carbomb, and two shots of [url=http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/83/83cdb5e9749e4fd0e8353375cedf2296ebaf1af9a5785d32fe21299eded7c797.jpg]Everclear[/url]. Okay with helpful information on what I have gathered the Scales on his body being an even thinkness and have the ability to alow movement it would add around 50 LBS to his current weight. So... Normal Weight in this 300 lbs. But currently he is around 240. Being under weight by 60 lbs. Sure he can take a hit or two, but ya. (Please note that this is more or less rough estiments because new years parties and my good friend 190% has my brain. But I can still think clearly.)