"Well I can think of worse planets to be stranded on." Neil said as he parked the jeep, dust blooming in the air at the sudden lack of momentum from the vehicle. The pilot shut off the engine, and had to bite his tongue in order for him not to jinx them any further. This did seem surprisingly lucky for how fucked they were less than a day ago. He'd never had an experience on the [i]Highlander[/i] that didn't go from out of the pot and into the fire. Still, this place was pretty ideal for a tourist location from what he'd seen, and yet the lack of any civilization did not bode well for them. Either there was something on the world they hadn't seen that made humanity give it a wide berth, or they were further away from Imperial civilization than he was used to. "Well we still have a month's worth of supplies on the ship but-" he hopped out, his revolver already twirling in his fingers before halting midspin, smugly cocking it with a satisfying 'click.' "It's a good idea to ration it. Then again I [i]am[/i] a city boy. You might need to hold my hand when it comes to hunting." He certainly looked the part in his urban (albeit functionally simple) clothing, sunglasses gleaming sunlight off its dark lenses. It was an hour before Sayeeda's honed survival skills overcame Neil's incompetence. Then again, he did have a knack for moving quietly, and once he got the hang of slipping through the brush he became an asset. Soon, they caught a curious critter. A grey furred creature, with a raccoon's body proportions if not for the six legs and the bushy fox-like tail. Neil had flushed it out and Junebug had caught it by the leg, killing it swiftly with her knife. Even after just over an hour, they were both sweating a fair bit from the heat. "Hopefully the sun lowers before too long. I'll need to check this planet's cycle," Neil said casually, stepping over a small bush and heading toward the clearing as Junebug skinned the creature. She saw the mistake Neil was making a second too late, as his foot stepped onto a bit of leaves that suddenly uprooted and shot into the air. Neil was suddenly whipped around by his foot just as the poor creature had been, and the pilot found himself dangling upside down in a makeshift, primitive trap. Neil's glasses fell off his face, but he had the frame of mind to catch them as they fell. "Might want to cut me down quick!" he whispered vehemently, as the loud snapping of the branches that had yanked him up when he placed pressure on the rope had reverberated through the forest for Gods know how far. Whoever made the trap would be back sometime in the neat future even if they heard nothing. [@Penny]