[center][h2][color=indianred]Sarah[/color]/[color=khaki]Angel[/color] - Warehouse[/h2][@Spiffy][@Xandrya][@Gardevoiran][@solokolos][@Old Amsterdam][/center] No sooner had she stopped because Angel wanted her to, Sarah's head snapped up. She'd been staring at the sidewalk hoping nothing would happen. Any allusion that she might have been able to go on shattered with the sounds that rang out. Gunfire was an all too familiar sound to her. Something of an enthusiast herself she could have recognized it pretty easily even if she wasn't practically next to the firefight. As if to compound on the already obvious altercation a cape had arrived, spoke to her, and scampered onto the roof. Even if she wanted to dwell on what she'd been told Sarah's attention was elsewhere. The tingle that was at the base of her skull had rushed down her spine. It was difficult to explain the sensation as her other persona began to take over. If there was an idealistic self that the woman could imagine, Guardian Angel was it. Not unlike what she might imagine a holy being looking and acting like as a child. [i][color=khaki]Get in there![/color][/i] Transforming in sight of the streets would be a sure fire way to blow any kind of anonymity she had. At least one person was on the roof and she couldn't be sure they wouldn't see. There wasn't enough time to worry about that as she sprinted into the alley. Unless the prompt for action was gradual, and it rarely was, her breaker self had a way of surfacing with unnerving swiftness. The change was almost instant, the woman's body glowing a pale blue before her body mass dissolved into a wispy smoke of the same color. Any semblance of Sarah was gone and in her place was a woman with glowing eyes. Her frame was smaller, features softer and clothes more like robes than it's former casual wear. She brushed her lighter hair back from her shoulders as it had tripled in length. [color=khaki]"I'm sorry, duty calls."[/color] The blue smoke coalesced to form her wings just as quickly as it had dissolved. There wasn't time to dwell on the changes. Angel had a singular focus that stifled any confusion or protest Sarah had. There was still gun fire inside and she intended to put an end to it. Bullets meant that going in light was probably a bad idea. The door in the back looked to be bolted shut but that wasn't an issue. With her strength and increased density she shoved the door, rending the hinges off and causing it to swing in the wrong way before falling loose and sliding across the floor. Those inside were already on alert so before they could even see what was coming in they opened fire. Two handguns, a shotgun, and rifle fire were unloaded on her. The rounds met their mark but either deflected off at an angle or flattened on impact with her body. Unimpressed the parahuman stepped inside and swept her gaze across the faces of everyone that she had the attention of. None of the five moved for a moment. It could have been shock that an angel just stepped in from the back door, that their attack seemingly did nothing, her Master ability or some combination of the three. Snapping in the direction of the nearest Highlander with a gun she wrenched away the rifle with ease and dashed it to pieces against the ground. [color=khaki]"Surrender and you won't be harmed."[/color] Her actions and abilities raised conflicting feelings. On one hand she had demonstrated that at least conventional weapons wouldn't work and also she likely had the strength to put them through a wall, but she also had a calming presence. The three there were inclined to comply before another Highlander arrived from dealing with the front. [b]"What are you doing? Shoot her!"[/b] The call to action resonating they opened fire. Angel sighed and there were several crashes and yelps of pain before she stepped out into the open where a majority of the gang and Lethal Force present could see her. [color=khaki]"Hm, there are a lot of you. I'll extend the same offer to you lot. Surrender and you won't be harmed."[/color] She surveyed everyone with a confident smile. Admittedly this part of being a cape could be fun.