* Name: Nadarr "white eye" Delmirev * Pic/Image: [img]https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.d20.io/images/43980387/wLJmhEYbaqyj831LkRjUpA/med.png?1513290647[/img] * Physical Appearance: Nadarr is a white chromatic dragonborn standing at around 7" . He wears dark coloured chain mail and wears no helmet. He has a seemingly glowing orange right eye, the other has been blinded with 3 large deep scars going vertically down his left eye. Carries a large ornate war-hammer in one hand and holds a shield in the other with a large black heart on the silver kite shield. * Personality & Biography: Nadarr is quite well spoken he is usually polite and kind to those he meets although he is prone to outburst, and being feral and is a slight bit protective of those he calls friends. He has a fear of fire due to the burning of his village it is nothing incapacitating but he is fairly afraid. Does not usually talk about his clan or heritage. He is sometimes cold and distant when talking about his past or he will simply not answer. He hates losing anyone to death. Nadarr was part of the Delmirev clan. Born a chromatic white dragonborn he was prone to brash behaviour and an almost feral state when a tough challenge arose in a fight. he wished to become a protector of his peoples village and so for 10 years he trained and trained though one day he did not hold back his inner beast and killed his training partner. For this crime he was banished until he found peace with himself. so for the next months he wondered aimlessly trying to find work to suit his "capabilities" so he found a bounty hunters guild where he was greeted by the familiar face of Sajhan, a dragonborn who had left the Delmirev clan in search of glory. Now he ran the bounty hunting guild and gave Nadarr jobs. Over the next 4 years he found friendly faces (possible crossover) and bitter rivals but none where as horrible as a female elvish rogue named Artris Gladmain. This elf with a major superiority complex prodded and waged war on Nadarr's psyche telling him that he was worthless, that his clan probably wished he was dead and that he was nothing more than a meat shield. He was taught by master manipulators how to lie, persuade and intimidate. He studied under warriors to fight skillfully and how to protect those you called your friends. After this he thought to return to his clan and tell them that he thanked the for sending him out into the world that made him a protector, a symbol of justice and a skilled fighter. though when he reached the village he was only greeted by flames. The only remaining member of the clan was him. as he saw the group walk away from his scorched home all he felt was rage. He chased the gang but was stopped by the surrounding thugs before he could reach the leader (Roan coldpike). The men who had stopped Nadarr brought him to Roan. The only words Nadarr could muster between sobs was "why" and the response he got haunts him to this day "Lovitar demands pain and blood!". After months of torture he was thrown out and left to die. He awoke to a soft bead in a warm fire lit room. The heat and sound of the crackling fire terrified him. As he moved a figure he had not seen in the room jolted. he had been saved by a priestess of The raven queen. For the next year Nadarr was nursed back to health barely talking and usually left in silent contemplation or on rare occasions in prayer. he had learned that the priest that saved him was named Darvyre Littleknight a female halfling who had given up her search of vengeance to help heal the injured and dying. After 2 years he was at most of his previous strength. with a newfound fear for fire and a oath with The raven queen he looks to exact vengeance on the one who crossed him but first he must grow strong again and has sworn himself to a prince. * Powers, Abilities, & Equips: ice dragon breath, war-hammer and shield bit of healing magic if ok * Story Role: prince's knight