[@Ayazi] [b]Gratia Mindaro - Survival[/b] "[color=66cd00]Your mount is disgusting.[/color]" Through unspecified means, Gratia Mindaro had escaped the innards of the boat, a task that the Mistralese teenager found to be incessantly irksome. It was not difficult; far from it, in fact, as she presumed that even a mindless beast, as long as they possessed the levels of aura necessary, would have been capable of breaking free of the sinking steel prison instead of shitting itself like a pathetic, drooling retard on the cold floor of a lunatic asylum and becoming nothing more than undersea carrion. Her initial plans to leave the ship and avoid the rapid influx of water was to jump over to the lifeboats hurriedly crafted by the masses that attended the Survival class. However, the appearance of her leader forced her to commit several changes to her method of escape. Whether or not Vega Venetia's solution to the challenge instituted in the simulation was actually successful, the fact was that her team leader had gotten the bright idea into her head that possessing a Grimm was a perfectly safe activity was something to note. Somebody needed to clean up after any stupid mistakes. She gently dropped onto the back of the frog, a minute sound of disgust exiting her throat at having to ride such a detestable thing. "[color=66cd00]How long can you stay in control?[/color]" she asked, moving closer to Vega. Onyx eyes were glancing around, surveying the area.