The fortifying spell almost immediately had Sabine paying more attention. Her visage was still telling of her disturbed sleep but now at least she could concentrate better. What Meesei brought up was yet another worry that had been bouncing around in Sabine's mind. Sabine nodded to each of the points while internally preparing herself. Standing up to Ri'vashi on her own was terrifying enough. She could not have done it without knowing she had the power to stop Ri'vashi in her tracks with magic. Now she would have to finish what she started while convincing everyone else at the same time. But Sabine still had her convictions. She was not prepared to give up easily. If the council and her reached an impasse, she was prepared to do anything. "I will make them understand," Sabine said. She wrapped her hand around the Staff of Magnus and felt its magical flux. The familiar feeling of potential and power came with it. And following that, a knowing security that she was now capable of just about anything, even if the staff had since been drained. "And I will get help," she added, looking at Meesei directly. "I promise. It is what I want."