WIP. Is a picture and theme required? I have never been a big fan of looking for someone elses work to describe my character. Name: Takei Baker Appearance: Takei for the most part looks like an average Japanese high-school, being only slightly shorter than average for a person his age and is quite lean. The only thing that would allow a person to pick him out of a crowd is his blonde hair which he inherited from his father. Gender: Male Age:15 Year Level:1st Faction/club:N/A Power: Hyper Floragenesis Short Version: Takei is able to create an aura around him that creates giant masses of plants to grow that he has a limited control over. In addition, even while not actively using his power, just by being near plants, they become healthier, and he is resistant (not immune) to most plant-based poisons [hider=Long Version] Takei is able to emit an energy from his body, in fact, he consists emits a very low level of this energy as long he does active try to suppress it or his power is suppress by an outside force. This energy has soon no effect on any substance except for chlorophyll, the substance that gives plants their green hue. In low doses, it only seems to promote growth and health within the reasonable limits of what is normal for the plant. Takei is able to try to direct this towards a certain direction to influence one plant in particular, but this requires intense focus. However, the combat potential of this power becomes apparent whenever he intentionally produces as much of this energy as possible. Nearby plant and plant manner grows supernaturally fast and large, often forming long mobile vines. Even if there is no apparent plant life, microscopic plant matter is able to quickly grow, and it seems like pollen and other plant manner is attracted and adheres to his skin do this energy, allowing him to use this ability even in sterile environments. (Presuming that he himself was not also sterilized) Plant matter grown by this ability is semi-mobile and semi-aware, and will act to protect itself and Takei. Takei can influence some conscious control over the plant mass, but his control over it is limited and it requires focus. The plant-mass created by this effect does not ever seem to intentionally harm Takei, and he appears to be resistant to most plant-based poisons, however it is possible that he will be accidentally hit by one of the vines he created, or something to that effect if he is not careful. This effect requires constant exposure to high concentrations of the radiation. Should he stop using this effect, willingly or unwillingly, or the energy is otherwise suppressed, then the plant matter effected by it will quickly revert to normal, shrinking as quickly as it grew. [/hider] Bio: Takei was raised in rich Japanese household to a British father and Japanese mother. Both of his parents were distant and he never formed deep bonds with his peers as they often moved around due his father's work. However, he never really minded, mostly focused on his studies and tending to a small garden with his grandmother until she passed from natural causes. Takei has always had excellent grades, and wished to go to a purely acedemic high-school, however was pressured to to Tatakai by his parents due to its prestige, and there was worries that he may accidentally cause massive property damage in any other school not tailored to people with abilities. The only other outstanding trait is that he is bilingual, being fluent in both English and Japanese. Theme: N/A