Meesei nodded and gave Sabine a quick hug. "Good luck. I suppose we should not keep everyone waiting." She replied, walking with Sabine towards their meeting chamber. Everyone else was already gathered, so they would be able to begin right away. The subjects they would be discussing were sensitive, so Lorag and Janius had been the ones to escort Do'rhajul and Yerig to the chamber. They were both standing beside the table, about as far away as they could be from Ri'vashi. Neither of them were armed or armored any longer, though both were still wearing the same clothes they had the day before. Do'rhajul's mere presence had created a silent tension in the air, punctuated with suspicious glances from many of those present. Ri'vashi had safeguarded the Rueful Axe, which was now placed on the table between everyone. It was a great victory to have claimed it, but there was also an undeniable sense of dread surrounding the weapon. Having it in their possession meant they were one step closer to what would be the final, and most critical battle of the war. Usually, it was Ri'vashi that was quick to get their meetings started, but this time it was Saras who had spoke up as Meesei and Sabine were taking their seats. "Sabine, it is good to see you alive and in good health. We were all terribly concerned for your safety. It is not often that [i]I[/i] am the one surprised by developments, but you have surprised me on all accounts. I think we will all require the best explanation you can give to understand what happened."