She couldn’t for the life of her remember what had driven her to the shrine that night. With it, she’d gotten roped in to working for them as some sort of summoner or exorcist. Onmyouji, they’d called it. They hadn’t shared many details with her that night, but when Takemi had been caught breaking and entering, she’d fully expected to have the police called on her. The way it tuned out, she hadn’t been the only one who’d been sneaking around. All any of them had been told was to meet at the shrine at a later date for more information regarding their “newly awakened” powers. The workers there could probably tell just by looking at her that they weren’t so new in her case, but it wasn’t like she made any great effort to hide that she could See Things. However, it seemed like Seeing was all that she could do. With the conclusion of summer break and the changing of trees to fall colours, Takemi couldn’t help but think of what she still needed to accomplish at school. She didn’t just have university entrance exams to think about like the others in her class. Takemi needed to learn as much as she could about exorcisms and purifications before graduation if she wanted to help the wandering spirit that had been wandering around the roof since at least her first year there. Who knew how long that spirit had been unable to pass on from its earthly pains? As she reached the steps to the shrine, she passed by what looked like a small child, although there was clearly something Strange about her as she stared cloyingly up the stairs. [i]Well[/i], Takemi thought, [i]it’s probably better if she doesn’t come to this particular shrine.[/i] The vibes that the tanuki man gave off as he wagged his tail and chuckled at Niko-chan made her tense up like crazy.