[@TheRedWatcher][@Spiffy] [center][h2][color=silver]Affliction[/color][/h2][/center] He turns his head to his close friend. Of course he had to make a spectacle out of his introduction, but he quickly moved his observation to the stranger with a nasty habit of not picking up after himself. Telekenisis, [i]interesting[/i]. Swarm, he went by the name Swarm. Even more interesting considering Swarm was lifting a car and had brought his attention to a child on the other side. Curious. Exploding buildings. Children. A man lifting a car with a name that felt out of place. A part of him was curious with all these events. Though tonight was not the night they were suppose to be getting involved without all the pieces. If they joined in on this circumstance who could they ultimately be making enemies with and allies with. Narrowing his eyes behind the mask for a second. What should they do in this circumstance? Stepping forward would maybe put him in harm's way. Stepping back would show possible weakness to Swarm. And he did want to see where this way going. He warranted the car might be because of a potential threat this individual might be. Though he did walk up to a potential threat and threw away their cigarette butt. “Perhaps,” Affliction paused, “Instead of brandishing cars we could see if they need something from us. Unless they explode people as well for fun, though I doubt that likely.” He takes a second, “It may not seem like an appropriate time, but you may call me Affliction.” He only plants a single foot forward to see if either would take his lead.