[@Rune_Alchemist] [color=00a651][b]Maria Falena [/b][/color] Maria was surprised to hear the voice speaking to her, This of course made her yelp in a cute sort of way because she was caught off guard. Looking around for the owner of the voice, The cold damp air surrounding her making her shiver. She really wished she had brought some warmer clothing for this job. Her eyes then focusing on the entity that had appeared in front of her, Her eyes squinting at the ghostly figure trying to hide how scared she was right now. "I know how to use this weapon, And...whom may you be?" She asked the ghostly figure, Pulling out her rapier and holding the grip tightly in her hand. Keeping her distance away form the female figure. Now she knew why the mayor lied and said the place was not haunted, She would need to speak with him about this once she gets out of this room. Her hand moving back towards the door knob of the door behind her trying to turn it and open the door to escape.