Katie smiled, as innocent as a unicorn. Really, she thought, Ryan ought to have known better. They had been friends since Hogwarts, and had only grown closer in the years since. She'd learned quickly that the only way to get Ryan to take a break was to simply drag her along. Katie was well versed in engineering situations to force her many workaholic friends to to take a break. It had been a simple matter to get Aydens gran and grandad to take him for the night. Katie linked her arm through Ryan's, smiling sweetly. That her iron grip wouldn't let her friend budge, well, that was a minor detail. "Come on, it's been ages since we've gone out. Besides, you need to buy me a drink for my fantastic success, and I need to buy you one for all your hard work." Katie began to march Ryan towards her room, a bounce in her step, swiftly scooping up her duffel as they went. "Come on, we're going to put on our hot girl disguises and get properly trashed."