[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/the-orville-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180104/c829a1e3c663bb62fb10e5f3ee245c5f.png[/img][/url][/center] The [url=https://www.fincantieri.com/globalassets/common/galleries/07.media/archivio/mega-yacht/archivio-mega-yacht-04.jpg]yacht[/url] was a thing of beauty in most eyes, but in Devin's it was a true masterpiece. While he would have preferred a sailboat he was a fan of anything that got him on the water and this Spanish registered vessel would do nicely. During the trip from the main island Devin had walked around the ship admiring its ins and outs. When it set out he found some of the crew and watch them. The rest of the trip was easy enough. Devin had found a place to relax. His nerves were getting the better of him as he saw the island. He hadn't really talked to anyone on the boat due to giving off an air of interest of the ship which was true so he didn't mind. He watched as they docked and then went and grabbed his bags. Some of his things had been sent ahead, but thankfully he made the right decision to wear his [url=https://www.interviewmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/img-taron-edgerton_081926966541.jpg]leather jacket[/url] as a brisk gust of wind common in England. Following the directions given to the other freshman he entered the massive and aged walls of the castle as security motioned for everyone to follow. Looking around Devin gave his classmates a look over. He saw [url=https://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/eeb775596e43815433a7456e7c83c38fa775ac9a/c=191-0-1410-1625&r=537&c=0-0-534-712/local/-/media/2015/12/29/TXNMGroup/ElPaso/635870050759739385-Open-Carry-2.jpg]student armed[/url], but it seemed none of them were twitchy with them. Others had phones or tablets. It was less intimidating than he would have imagined as nearly everything else fit any public school scene. There were people excited to see each other and others bemoaning the coming [url=https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/overwhelmed-student-pointing-gun-to-his-head-stressed-35439851.jpg]onslaught of school work[/url] that was ahead of them. During the introduction a few things made Devin raise an eyebrow. After mentioning that some students hadn't survived Devin muttered [b]"That wasn't in the brochure"[/b]. What came after was some classic words of wisdom handed down to students throughout the ages. After the headmaster finished his lecture and guiding words everyone was directed to their living spaces. Along the way he heard some students talking to one of the security personal positioned at the exit. He made an announcement of where incoming students and so Devin followed. Arriving at his building he almost knocked and then gave a mental chuckle. Opening the door he walked in to the welcoming arms of an expansive room seemingly fit for a king. While walking in he gave a loud whistle. [b]"Nice..."[/b] he mused while walking into the [url=https://images.designtrends.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/23181656/Living-Room-Spiral-Staircase.jpg]living room area[/url] with couches and 7 other people engaged in small talk and introductions. Not one to linger any more than needed he walked into the room and introduced himself as they all turned and looked at who had whistled and walked in. [b]"Whitley Building right?"[/b] Devin asked politely. [b]"I didn't know the school had such a sense of humor with names. Didn't exactly come through in the opening remarks..."[/b] He said while looking around at both the furniture and the company. Sitting in the room was the collection of people he had heard chatting. He didn't have names to faces but he figured introductions could happen soon enough. "Name's Devin Coal everyone. Nice to meet you." (Devin's inner thoughts as he scanned the room and got a first impression of everyone in the room) [i][indent][@Agent 47] - Asian, most likely Japanese considering his fashion sense with the sword. It helped being from one of the largest and diverse Asian populations outside the continent. The suit was straight from the Hollywood red carpet too. [@SpicyMeatball] - The red head was hard to miss considering how striking her hair was. Add the massive tattoo and the boot camp Lara Croft look she had going she read as someone ready and the school was already going to slow for her. Devin wasn't smitten but he definitely did a double take when he first saw her on the boat and was happy to see her in the room. [@EchoesofOld] - Normally they say you can tell a lot about a man from his shoes... What does that mean when a man isn't wearing shoes? Still considering there was only one pair by the door he could assume the guy didn't lose them. [@Infernal Flame] - Tough to say where she is from. Perfectly pleasant enough for a roommate and classmate. [@melissahart] - The denim jacket was stylish and he liked the look she had it paired with. Her blonde hair gave her a sort of Scandinavian beauty a lot of north Americans see in beauty magazines but the obvious travel fatigue was written on her face. [@Banzai Tracers] - Good Lord! Where did they grow you? This guy towered over Devin by several inches. I guess he was going to have to get used to not being one of the taller in the bunch like he was back home. [@Xandrya] - Cute. Considering every woman in this school was likely capable of killing someone thirty different ways Devin figured she wasn't any exception so a simple happy smile would be about as far as I should go. [@baraquiel] - Energetic to say the least. She seemed to beam at him as he introduced himself and was one of the more enthusiastic in the group from the short time he had been there. Some might roll their eyes at it, but Devin saw it more as an impressive feat considering where they all were.[/indent][/i] Once Devin had introduced himself and shook or nodded to everyone he looked around for his things. "I am guessing stuff we had delivered was brought to our room or maybe do we have to go pick it up somewhere?"