Kassy trailed along behind the others, eyes down and looking at her bare toes. She was still feeling very bothered. Years of practice had made her very quick to read emotional tension, and she could feel something in the group ready to spill over. At the very least, they were agreed on the training. Maybe defeating some imaginary enemies would diffuse the energy. The door opened, and she was rather stunned to see that Tachyus had already done some diffusing. Everything was... quite honestly, a mess. Stuffing everywhere, and Tachyus looking in need of a bath. She backed, her instincts ready to escape the scene of an argument. But instead, Andy seemed to laugh it off, playing it as if it wasn't a problem. Unfortunately, he seemed to be the only one. Magnus, who carried tension in his whole body like a readied trap, looked less than pleased about all of it. Juno didn't look much better, but evidently she was going to let it slide too. Impressive, she said. It wasn't impressive, it was - [color=8493ca]"No. It isn't. Dummies don't hit back."[/color] Magnus said it before she could. Kassy agreed- beating up on something defenseless was not impressive. Anyone could do that. While the others started to debate over how to train, Kassy stepped warily toward Magnus.[color=f26522] "Um."[/color] Her voice came out as a squeak, and for a moment she regretted coming close. [color=f26522]"I- I think you're right. Destroying dummies that don't move is not impressive. You may as well hit a child."[/color] There was something slightly cold in her voice, perhaps the barest hint of teeth. [color=f26522]"I don't see how that would make him any stronger, or fix his mistake for next time." [/color] Her gaze was still on her feet, but she tipped her head up to peek at Magnus through her white curls. "Can I ask you a question, Magnus?" It was out of her mouth before she realized, and she went rosy-red with embarrassment. Still, it was there, so she plowed forward. [color=f26522]"You were hurt. Bad. How... how did you get up again and keep going? I... I need to know how to do that."[/color] Her tone laced the question with the undercurrent that this was not about the body getting back up, but the will to do so. The fighter's will. In one brief, horrible moment months ago, she'd touched it, and was too afraid to come close to it since. She could hurt someone. [color=f26522]"Would you be able to teach me?" [/color]