Kindle nodded at the simple request and started to gather her energy as the Water Seraph turned her attention to the boys. Ter-Bius laughed a bit before wrapping an arm around around each others shoulder and giving Aliya a big goofy grin, [color=ddd000]"Yup, we're Ter-bius,"[/color] by the time their words escaped their lips Kindle started to glow and so did the ground beneath Aliya, however it was a fiery circle and Ter-Bius reacted in a bit of a shock, [color=ddd000]"Kindle?"[/color] they both asked, [color=ddd000]"She's water,"[/color] Ter said before Bius continued, [color=ddd000]"You sure she's gonna be alright?"[/color] Concerned for the poor injured Water seraph who was about to receive a strong healing arte that was fire based. The small fire seraph nodded and began to speak softly as her gauntlets started a red glow with a greenish aura, the one glyph below Aliya began to take shape more clearly and glow with the same pattern, though a second glyph took form above its target, slowly getting brighter and brighter. [color=ff5555]"She should be fine, it just draws power from the fire within,"[/color] he hands took position one above the other, mimicing the position of the larger glyphs around Aliya. [color=ff5555]"Rhapsody!"[/color] she said quickly but not loud enough to draw attention, while bring her hands together pretending to squish her target, between her hands the glyphs moved onto the Water Seraph and enveloped her in a bright flame like glow before a green aura covered her and removed her injuries while increasing her integrity. [color=ff5555]"There, that should do it, mainly for my younger brothers so it should revitalize you a tremendous amount."[/color] Ter-Bius began to clap with excitement after their older sister completed such an arte, they were always fond of her performance especially when it came to healing, considering the fact they there were always getting hurt in the most absurd ways. Though they knew the trashcan was not what really caused the injuries so they stepped forward about it, [color=ddd000]"We know injuries,"[/color] Bius started, [color=ddd000]"And those weren't from a dumpster," "So what really hurt you?" "Cause we want in on the fight!"[/color] They said with passion in their eyes wanting a strong enemy to really fight against.