[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=orangered]Caesar Gonzalez[/color][/i][/b][/h1] [img]http://cdn.movieweb.com/img.news.tops/NEvyrxPbk7zLyD_2_b/Inmate-Number-1-Movie-Danny-Trejo-Documentary.jpg[/img][hr][b] [color=orangered]Location:[/color][/b] La Hacienda [hr][hr][/center] Maria was on the warpath. Thalia figured that much out, at least, when she dropped off little Liam with her. The younger lady hadn't really been the best with small children or babies, owing to her mildly antisocial nature. But this was family, and family was different. This little baby was the future of La Familia Gonzalez. Besides, from the look of her aunt, the family was going to need that future because she was going to murder Caesar. Certified badass that he was, Maria was fierce and he always held back with her. So thee she stood, amid the wildfire storytelling, some fringe members of La Familia placing bets as to what would occur next. A few closed in on the dual-cultured Thalia, eager to get more detail on what had happened, but as it turned out, she knew little more than anyone else. Though she did put a bill or two on the upcoming wager. Such was life with these people. And apparently, such was death with these people. "Your grandpa's in the shit now, isn't he?" she cooed to little Liam in a singsongy voice. "Yes he is. [i]Yes[/i] he is..." As gratifying as it was to make a little sport of what was going on, she was worried. When these two fought, it was either resolved quickly or it spread out for months, with equal opportunity for something awful either way. If they got into a machete fight on the roof before the night was over, it wouldn't surprise her in the least. [i]Back in the main house...[/i] Caesar damn near got back to his rooms, too, before his ex-wife caught up to him. He had occasionally thought it odd that she involved herself in the lives of his family as often as she did, but this event was fully understandable. Alicia was her daughter, period. She had every right to be here. Even his personal philosophy on the matter supported her presence otherwise; Maria gave birth to a Gonzalez and did not bring shame to them at any time. Though not his wife any longer, she [i]was[/i] La Familia Gonzalez if she still chose to be. And in that moment, she flexed that privilege like a champ. The grizzled former Federale withstood the chainsaw-esque barrage of Maria's verbal assault, taking it all as water cashing upon a cliff face. Of course, that was the thing about water on rock - eventually, the water was going to break off something. Eventually. The threat of removing him from his own house aside, she did make a single, valid point, recurring and hammering away at him with pointed insight: Caesar was working the case during a period he should be mourning and receiving the goodwill of his family. His suspicions be damned, he was not paying proper respect to his daughter, nor fulfilling his duties as a host to personal guests from the States. Grimly, he nodded to Maria. [color=orangered]"Sí, tiene usted razón[/color][sub]1[/sub][color=orangered]."[/color] He turned and began to walk back the direction from which he had come. [color=orangered]"If you follow me, it's not happening."[/color] [hider=Translations] 1 = Yes, you are right. [/hider]