[color=00a651][h2]Niko Hiruko, First Day[/h2][/color] [@Krayzikk], [@Crimmy], [@Plank Sinatra] Niko pushed himself off the ground for the three-hundredth repetition. Sweat poured from his forehead and neck. He boasted his typical tired eyes but he felt them dragged down by the physical exertion he had just been met with. He was supposed to leave for the UTX meeting about five minutes ago. He was usually a stickler for being on time, but today he felt as though he was preparing himself to walk off a bridge. He hesitated as he stared at the clock that blinked notifying him that his alarm had long since passed. Finally, with a short breath of frustration Niko snatched a tank top and a pair of his smart glasses in order to communicate a bit better with everyone else around him. He found that starting off on the right foot in this way made everyone quite a bit calmer working with someone who had a disability like he did. He grabbed his signature green jacket, the colours nearly as muted as their wearer, and exited his small apartment with haste. It wasn’t far from Mao Industries HQ, in fact it was only a ten minute walk. He wouldn’t arrive quite on time. But Niko didn’t rush around, however. He entered just a few seconds behind someone with hair that could only be described as extravagant. It was an array of colours and looked as if it changed completely depending on the lighting. Immediately she began an outburst, mentioning not taking shit from a girl who spoke through a Roomba. It was a difficult metaphor to follow – but Niko didn’t try to connect too many dots. After all it was his first time meeting everyone here. Instead, he simply stood beside, but not too close to the girl who had been the victim of said tirade. He nodded casually to her, acknowledging he presence but not really insisting that she do the same for him. Stoll? Were these his teammates? As everyone began interacting and his glasses picked up the words being spoken by others he caught Stoll’s hands moving fluidly into a few recognizable positions. He felt immediately giddy, it was as if he had taken the entire weight of the world off of his shoulders. But he refused to immediately break out into joy. He was more professional than that. However, he couldn’t help his positivity from creeping into his signing. [color=00a651](Hello friend)[/color] his fingers danced through the air as he turned to Stoll. He was concerned that the woman with the mesmerizing hair would notice his signing and yell at him for it as she had done Stoll. But, somehow he felt as though they was a kind of history between the two that Niko and her didn’t have yet. Not that he would mind. While the lenses that were reporting her words were concise and quite clear about what she was saying. His personal judging of her body language, facial expression and other factors told him that she wasn’t mean per se. Rather enigmatic.