Oh right, you did ask about that. Hmm... the only village I recall being placed on the map (in current time) that meets that criteria would be Borstown, really... and one in Wenal that has significantly more guards than that, though it's also more of a town than village. I suppose Borstown is, too. Eh. Time to get out the map. (It's always hard to just pick one when you're told you can put it anywhere...) Seclyr, a few miles west of the Sloth's River and couple of dozen miles from the coast, there's a village called Brow's Rest that should have about the right amount of guards. Is that adequate? There's a lot of circumstance and subjectivity when it comes to when vampires [I]need[/I] to feed. On one hand, they start to feel hungry long before it even starts to weaken them, and this hunger only grows as their weakness progresses. It also depends on how one even defines "need" in the first place, since while yes, vampires weaken the longer they go without blood and eventually cease functioning altogether, but they will never [I]truly[/I] starve to death. Even a vampire that has starved for a long time - or been bled dry, for that matter - doesn't die from it, but rather is reduced to a dormant, shriveled state in which they might as well be dead, but can still be revived if someone was to siphon blood into them somehow (not nightwalker blood, obviously; dormant or not, that's still toxic to them). And even beyond that, it depends on how well they feed (that is, how much blood they actually drink each time), how active they are and if they've lost any blood (it also depends to a lesser degree on the vampire's physical size, but this is a minor factor and usually be ignored). Though it's hardly important with modern vampires like Morgan, it also depends somewhat on which generation of vampire one is from, in proportion to the power of the curse. As with their powers, the curse is so diluted in modern vampires that the difference is negligible, but in the first few generations the difference was quite noticeable, and the original vampires needed [I]many[/I] times what their lesser kin needed, to the point where they would need to drain several people fully each day just to stave off their hunger... which is a major reason that they're gone now. [I]But[/I]... a typical vampire that refrained from strenuous activity (which is to say any activity that would require their vampirically enhanced properties) can probably go a couple of weeks from draining one victim, and at least several days from a mere few mouthfuls. If they use their vampiric powers heavily, they'll start to get hungry in but several days from a full feeding, and likely just a day's time for a partial one. And if one has been wounded... well, depending on the severity of the wound that might cut one or more days off that time, and can even bring them to the brink of starvation in mere moments. (Partial feedings are rare due to vampire's instinctual desire to keep feeding once they've started, but it's technically possible with enough discipline. The way it's usually accomplished is by draining blood into a container than the vampire can feed from, since it puts a step between "feeding" and "continue feeding" that gives them a chance to stop themselves.)