[@ACHTUNG] [quote=@ACHTUNG] Well yeah there is that Arthur C. Clarke's third law "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." I mean what good is having to have a long chant to throw a fireball 50 yards and blow someone up when you can pull a trigger and fire a recoilless rifle and blow someone up from 900 yards.[hider=hint] It's portability and concealment, a recoilless rifle is bulky and heavy and loud. People will notice that. On the other hand with the fireball, you can do damage by mere speech and some bodily motion.[/hider] In this case Chris just has a great many things that is large, loud, dangerous and red. [/quote] Ugh! I was waiting for a chance to bring up Clarke's third law, because of how much magic and technology we've got floating around here, but never found the right time to work it in. Now, NOW the moment, is gone, forever like saying hello to a pretty girl after realizing you've stared at her for way too long @.@