Date: March 13th, 1861 Time: 8:43 Location: Interior Gardens of the Church of Arcastein Arthur was getting impatient. It had been a while since his last experiment, and it didn't turn out so well. He needed something more, something more rewarding. As he tore a leaf off of a nearby bush, he thought we would go stalk for his next prey. Someone regal, very high. Yes. [hr] Date: March 13th, 1861 Time: 14:42 Location: Arcastein Streets nearing the Austrian Embassy The posters were everywhere. Some new ambassador had just came to town, a perfect specimen for what Arthur had in store. He was devising a plan, a sinister one, one with minimal casualties, but still required a little fun. He was looking for an artist, and all Arthur needed was a good artists work to sway him into a false sense of security, and maybe an opportunity. He scrubbed his mind, and he remembered that one of his "patients" had mentioned that their brother was painter that lived in Arcastein. He was only a few streets from Arthur's location coincidentally. That was his target. The streets were dirty today, the cleaner comes a little later in the day to clean up the cities mess. None of the world mattered to him except his work. Arthur blended in here more than other places as some sort of performer, these people hadn't heard the horror stories of him yet, and probably won't, they will live in complete ignorance. There he was. The door was encrusted in a thin layer of gold foil, what a pity for it to go to waste. The knocker on the door was in the shape of a bear, and made of bronze. He gently knocked on the door, and a medium sized man answered with a puzzled look on his face. Showtime. "Hello sir, I would regret to inform you that your sister has recently been deceased by unknown causes. I have come to bring you what she had put in her brief will." He pulled out a few Iron chinks, she wasn't very rich so it made sense to him. "Oh, I didn't know, would you like to come in and maybe explain?" He motioned for him to come in. His first, and only mistake. No second chances in his world. "Thank you sir." He handed the man the currency, and started heading up the stairs. His tools were on him, and the time was nigh. The stairwell was lined with his paintings, this would easily be good enough for what he was thinking. The man led him up the stairs and into a very lavishly furnished living room. The man sat down on the couch, and Arthur looked at his paintings while coating a cloth with a new concoction he had made. He walked up behind him, and the man turned around. Arthur laughed maniacally and grabbed him, putting the cloth to his nose and mouth, "Take a deep breath for me, and this will all be over soon enough." The man went limp, only unconscious, but not dead. He wrote a brief note about what he had done to his sister, and that if he told a soul, he would know and that he would be next. Now that that was all done and dusted, he went into the man's living quarters. A large painting of a naked woman hung over his bed, most likely a lover of some sort. It was of extraordinarily high quality, the better than all his others. Seemed good enough. He took it off of the hook hanging it and headed out of the door. [hr] Date: March 13th 1861 Time: 16:22 Location: In Front of the Austrian Embassy The embassy wasn't as fancy as expected. Maybe it was just that it was new, but Arthur liked it, it made them more wholesome and relate able. None of that mattered though, he was here for business. He walked up to a receptionist type person out in front. "Hello, I am here to see Mr. Lochau about the artist he has requested." As he said this, he motioned to the painting currently strapped to his back. "Of course sir, right this way." He seemed annoyed for some reason, but Arthur brushed it off, he was only another piece of the puzzle. The man led him up the stairs and to the right to a long corner with very nice lighting, much better than usual homes, and it complemented the tapestries and furnishings very adequately. The man swung open the door, and a gust of musty air came through. There was also Mr. Lochau, sitting in his chair. "I hope this will be adequate Mr. Lochau." And with that he left him. Arthur placed the painting next to him and observed the surrounding area. It had the same lighting as the hall, and the fact that it was getting late complemented it greatly. The browns all molded together to make a very sightly scene. "I see you are looking for a painter sir, I might be able to help with that, but I feel I could propose a deeper and much needed proposition to you. Someone of your status doesn't like to get his hands dirty do they? I feel like I could do these things for you. How else do you think I got this painting?" With that he rested his elbows on his legs and waited for Mr. Lochau's response.