[quote=@Cerces22] As the man walked away Liz caught just the smallest glimpse of a familiar tattoo. That man with the violent Exadrill had the same tattoo. Liz began quietly, she stuck to the shadows and building corners as she followed the mysterious man, hoping his hangover would prevent him from being overly cautious. She wished she had some back up to do this but she will have to do it alone. [/quote] As the man walked, Liz followed. She was doing well to hide from the drunken fellow, but she wasn't as lucky with the Haxorous. Quietly, he muttered to his trainer, [b]"Haxorous..."[/b]. The man nodded in understanding, and continued to walk as if nothing was wrong. Liz continued to follow. All of a sudden the man took a sudden sharp turn down an alley way. With skill and presision, the man recalled his Haxorous and sent out his [url=https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Flygon_(Pok%C3%A9mon)#By_leveling_up]Flygon[/url] at the same time, quietly issuing the FLY command. With surprising agility, considering his condition, the man leaped up and landed upon the Flygon just as it finished materializing from it's ball. They were off like lightning. By the time Liz could reach the corner, it was too late. There was no trace of the man, and the alley was clearly a dead end. It was as if he pulled off an impossible disappearing act. [hider=Bonus Info: Please Read]Sorry to send you on a wild goose chase, but at least you're getting your feet wet with some of the mysteries that are yet to come.[/hider]