[quote=@Metamore] [Color=rosybrown]"[i][u][b]Synthesis![/b][/u][/i]"[/color] Rin looked like an absolutely ruined mixture of miserable and stubborn. They were on their knees, and pulling down the sides of their face which was marred with anxiety. Through all of this, the intensity in their eyes shined exceptionally bright as trying to inspire Osajyin with some specific, nameless goal in mind. Osajyin merely blinked in return. Rin's confidence faltered, and they fell to support themself on their hands as well their knees. [Color=rosybrown]"Please just do it before I change my mind."[/color] Osajyin didn't have the heart to even comment on the defeated sound in their voice. He may have only met Rin today, but everything about the aspiring champion told Osaja that [i]that[/i] tone coming from [i]that[/i] teen was the epitome of wrong. Instead of using his pokéspeak, the Leaf Pokémon lit up as confirmation. [/quote] Osaja's body began to glow once more. A little winded, the wild Girafarig wasn't able to muster up another Confusion attack in time. Instead, he remained still, captivated by the light. It warmed his little heart, in a daze he began to slowly inch forward. His [u][i][b]careful[/b][/i][/u] natured instincts were not acting up anymore. Something told him, "It would all be okay if he just went to the light." Result: [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/5025]What Luck...[/url] [hider=Bonus Info: Please Read]Osaja gains 4 Power, but already has full power. Girafarig looses 4 power, and now has [b]1 Power[/b] left. That was perfect. Your next Pokeball is a 100% catch. Pre-congradulations![/hider]