[quote=@Cerces22] [color=f49ac2]"My name is Liz from Zuerest town, and I come to battle for my second badge!! Who here will accept my challenge??"[/color] She called out to the other people.[/quote] Liz's grand entrance was rather anticlimactic. One badge was still nothing to turn heads about it seemed. One boy did take notice of her antics though. Over the top of a book, he watched as Liz looked around. He found her boisterous challenge more annoying than anything else. He wanted nothing more than to return to his reading. That's when a woman stumbled up to him. She was an attractive woman indeed, until she opened her mouth, [b]"Hey Jefferey, ya little shit."[/b] Her words were slurred. The woman was already drunk. [b]"You haven't done a damn thing since you got in today, not one battle. Go entertain our guest, and you better win this time!"[/b] [hider=Jefferey][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/d12ecbe5-88a3-4443-9ffd-0b45f1f9767a.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]"Sure, whatever! Just get your stink breath out of my face."[/b] The boy named Jefferey walked across the room. His reading music was turned off, but he didn't bother taking the ear buds out. [b]"Hey you, Lizzy or whatever. My sis says we have to battle. So yeah... lets do that."[/b] [hider=Bonus Info: Please Read]I can meet you in Showdown any time up until 5pm today (for the next hour). Or we can do later tonight, or tomorrow. What say you?[/hider]