[hr][hr][center][h1][color=662d91]Alexander Polawski[/color][/h1] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/d3551e96a2b48077e262fa98f2e74ddc/tumblr_inline_nmuwekMscX1sj4qvu_250.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][b][color=662d91]Location:[/color][/b]Going up the country[/center][hr][hr] Alexander didn't start to enjoy the prosect of killing more now, but the new intel did make it easier to allow the operations they were about to commence. Murderers and terrorists, didn't that sound familiar. But who was Alexander to argue? Better to be on their side than those about to be fucked with. He continued to listen to Thana tell Thalia about the truck-man, Captain Holloway, US Army. Finally someone who knew how to handle themselves, good ol' grunts. Not that he said that out loud to his 'superior' from the Navy. [color=662d91]"Roger that, Cowboy. I'll do my best to keep them checked during the DX. Watch your head, the steel duck gives one hell of a head. Over and out!"[/color] Alexander was surprised to hear the southern man, Gavin answer the radio, but it did make sense that Lola was busy manning the Stuart. And if Gavin was half as mad as he sounded like, he knew Lola was in safe hands. Perhaps. Hopefully. Alexander leaned forward to the two ladies in front. He figured that Thalia wasn't the one he had called 'Strawberry', not that he got why that was a fitting name for Thana. [color=662d91]Sorry to interrupt, Captain, but Cowboy...the southern guy, Gavin was it? They're breaking of on the next intersection and getting the tank into position. Until then, we're silent and on our own."[/color]