It was a beautiful day, like most days in truth, and Aria Giovanni was at her usual place; a small cove along the eastern shore. It was the perfect place to watch ships come and go from the small shipyard the island boasted, and it was a good place to not be seen by people looking for her. Standing with her feet in the water, Aria shaded her eyes with her left hand as a familiar ship came closer to shore, waving her right hand the young woman called out in Italian, "Good morning!" Knowing her voice would carry across the water. A breeze blew across her and lifted her warm blonde hair out of her deep brown eyes. She had an open smile and a kind face, her body was fit but with curves in all the right place. She did not look like the other women on the island, she did not look Italian, and that was a source of gossip for the others. Long had it been the controversy when Aria was born, that she was not her father's daughter, but that had never been confirmed nor denied by the man even to this day. Now Aria began walking back to the main shore, her mother would be looking for her by now. It was Aria's day to help the sailors aboard the ship by giving them fresh food and water, carrying some of their bags, and greeting any newcomers to the island. It was rare, Aria had never come across anyone new on her days to help, but she always held out hope.