[@Crimmy][@endwaar] [h3]PHILIA VON EINZBERN[/h3][B]Interior, Stephansplatz, Vienna[/b] "The Church's records will be equally acceptable." Philia von Einzbern's cold, lifeless gaze bored into Karen with a mysterious, yet still innocuous, intensity. The homunculus was the last heir to the two millennia repository of knowledge and wisdom, but the information contained within was not satisfactory in assisting her achieve her goals. Those responsible for the Heaven's Feel ritual in Vienna were unknown entirely to her. She could not rely on the records of her dead family. However, even if she did not know, it was unlikely that the Church was unaware of the organisers' identities. "If this Father Josef individual cannot provide an answer, what of you?" The overly cryptic nun before them had not explicitly claimed any ignorance. Thus, it was logical to assume that, if she had spoken true on the knowledge possessed by the other Church figure, Sister Karen was the likeliest individual to question to gain a better awareness of the situation around this unauthorised Heaven's Feel. Normal humans would even consider Karen to be suspicious.