With a loud thud, Rose Lily broke the silence of the ruins of the Alexanian outpost as the guards throw her into the cell. The chains that bound her clanked on the ground. Rose rolled back up to her knees as she glared back at the two mercenaries. One was an argonian and the other was nord. Stepping between the two male gaurds stepped a skinny Bosmer woman. With all the venom of a angry spriggin, the woman growled, "Nimrihill, you orphaned skeever, that is you, isn't it?" Rose looked at the bosmer and spit at her. A insult that was respond without hesitation by a swift punch to the face. As Rose recoiled from the hit, the bosmer woman grabbed Rose by her horn. Pulling Rose close to her, the bosmer snarled, "You are a deserter. You do not deserve these horns. You have no loyalty to the Green, no Pride in being a Bosmer! Our king has called us to protect the green and you ran. I will be glad to kill you, but cowards like you would be better served for dinner. I am ashamed to be in clan with you." Rose smiled defiantly, "You know full well, I would have been a great Spinner if not that for Cameron and his war. Unlike you, I follow the Pact-" Rose was interrupted by a back hand from the bosmer. "Enough of your lies, traitor!!!" "Look around you, sister," Rose said looking up from the stone floor, "All around you is sand, stone, and blood. Where is the Green? It is not in this forsaken land. How do you plan too defend the Green this far from any?!" The bosmer woman sneered and turned on her heels, "See you at supper..." She marched out in anger. The Argonian and Nord mercenary look at each other in a little confusion. Saying nothing the argonian shook his head and left the cell. The Nord followed and locked the steel bars. He did not wait to stand guard. He moved on to leave Rose to rot in the darkness of the ruin dungeon. Rose crawled like an inch worm to the stone wall and sat up with her back to the cold stone wall. She breathed deep and slowly trying to push off the pain of being hit. "[i]Why[/i]", she thought to herself, "[i]Why, did i not flee to Elswyr? Cyrodil was out of the possibility, but no, I chose Hammerfell.[/i]" Rose breathed in and out and pulled up all the magicka she could. With a swift green flash, she released her magic around her. Her chains unlocked and fell away. She raised her hand immediately to pet her horns making sure it was not harmed. "Well, I am not interested in being here for supper." Rose says softly as she gets up and slowly walks towards the cell door. She slowly began to look through the bars trying to see if there are any guards in the hallway.