What awaited Nemo and the group once they crossed into the sphere was both visions of pitch black and a tingling cold feeling as they floated weightlessly through the void. Nemo began to wonder if he was still alive as the dark drew on past the twenty second mark. Suddenly, out nowhere, he was hit by the abrupt audio of the sea and the feeling of wind on his pale skin, followed by blurry vision slowly returning. However before it could, the weightlessness was ended when he crashed into the cold sea. Although for Nemo the cold wasn't much of a drawback, it was a much more welcome feeling compared to the jungle from before. Nemo swam back up and breached the surface of the water. By this point his vision had returned, and he was graced with the sight of water in every direction. It was getting dark now as well, he could no longer spot the sun in the horizon. Nemo looked back, seeing a distorted space in the air about twenty feet up. Seconds later Zuri popped out of it and landed in the sea, followed by Travis, and finally Raiya. Nemo remembered their earlier encounter with water and quickly began to swim over. By the time he reached her position, she clearly wasn't above water anymore. Nemo submerged himself and found her sinking. He quickly swam further down and hooked an arm around her midsection and paddled back up to breech them both above water. Nemo remained silent, only breathing steadily to calm his body and paddling to keep them afloat as he plotted his next move.[color=c0c0c0] "Is everyone alright?"[/color] He asked, breaking the silence as he thought. [color=c0c0c0]"...Is my shotgun alright too?"[/color] He added after a few moments, sounding genuinely worried.