[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/46AaZ3b.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/5HQCuLr.png[/img] [/center] [hr] Kaida looked at Mamoru and smiled. She nodded as she listened to the plan that she reiterated, seemed simple but also a solid plan. Dulga piped in to clarify where she would be and what she expected. She nodded once again and looked back to Mamrou as she leaned forward towards her. Causing Kaida to pull back just slightly especially when she asked what her quirk was. Her face flushed as she realized she had to come up with an answer. Her eyes meeting with Dulga as she looked at her at the same time. Mamoru continued to explain what her quirk was, handing the shield that she manifested to her. She could feel the weight to it but it didn’t affect her as she hefted it around. Dulga then said walk and talk, trying to change teh subject. She smiled at this but knew she had to give them something. [color=92278f] Thank you, but I’m pretty durable as it is… [/color] She said when she flushed a little more. She didn’t want to say her scales were probably stronger than her shield.[color=92278f] But yes, I have super strength, I can take a beating and I can’t be hurt by fire... [/color] It seemed like an odd one, but she knew that with her holding Roy’s constructs or hugging Sensei Hai, it will quickly get out. [color=92278f] I’m also pretty adept with a sword…” [/color] She added as she pulled her sword from her sheath. She glanced at Yukari [color=92278f] It willl be fun working with you all. [/color] She didn’t know how this girl was going to fight blind but she made it here somehow. So she must be able to fight pretty good. [color=92278f] I just hope I don’t have to fight Jett… [/color] She blushed when she realized she said that out loud. She quickly added. [color=92278f] “ I mean… he seems pretty dangerous with his costume...[/color] She poked two of her fingers together while she held her sword, point down in a reversed grip. [@Norschtalen][@Lucius Cypher][@Ryonara]