[quote=@Cerces22] [color=f49ac2]"Hey little buddy, are you-"[/color] She couldn't finish her sentence before the monkey pokemon began glowing, a tail grew out and the flame became larger, Hephaestus filled out a little more, gaining more muscle than before. His brow became more pronounced and turned blue, giving his head a more flame like look. The light faded and Hephaestus gave off a shout. [color=f49ac2]"Oh my Arceus!! Hephaestus, you evolved!!"[/color] She danced even harder at the new development, than she remembered where she was and turned to the young man. [color=f49ac2]"It was a lovely battle, thank you so much, may I please have my badge now?? And can you tell me where the next gym is??"[/color] [/quote] Jefferey had lost, but he didn't seem phased by it at all. Immediately after the battle was over, he turned his music back on. He would have walked away all together if Hephaestus wasn't evolving right before his very eyes. He admitted to himself, "Okay, that was cool." Liz then turned her attention to the boy. He couldn't make out what she was saying through his music, but he could guess. She wanted her badge. Right... now where was the- [b]"Hey hey, nephew! You just got your but kicked!"[/b] A loud man walked up from behind and patted Jefferey on the shoulder, a little too hard. He seemed slightly inebriated, as was the norm around here, but for the most part, he was well put together. The real givaway that anything was off about him was simply his loud jolly way of speaking, [b]"It's okay though. I can tell that this little girl here is destined for the top! She's got that drive! You could learn a thing or two from her!"[/b] [hider=Jefferey's Ungle: The Gym Leader][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/16ca0180-175b-4c66-9831-c3dc6fd8027c.jpg[/img][/hider] Jefferey gave the man a death stare before walking away. [b]"Here you go, girlie!"[/b] The man laughed at his non-existent joke as he handed her the Nasi Badge. [b]"And I hear ya loud and clear on the whole 'next gym' thing. You're ready to keep on battling! I like it! Hmmmm... let's see... You could take route 9 and then go south, down route 10. There is a gym in the town on that island. Or you could take Route 8 and Route 27. There is a gym in that town down there I think.... Hmm.... Yep! Those are your best bets. Is that all you wanna know?"[/b] [hider=Bonus Info: Please Read]Here is Liz's new badge: [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/54ae6f31-2591-4d34-9908-7e27297d4914.jpg[/img] This has been added to her stat sheet in the 0th IC post as well. [/hider]