A mistake it may have been; but his [I]final[/I] mistake? Not even close. What his opponent clearly did not realize, was that Dread Metal was unlike any metal he had seen before; in its hardened state, which the entirety of his body is comprised of, Dread Metal is 4 times as dense and strong as a sheet of steel of comparable size and quantity. This strength is due in large to the fact that Xavier has total control of the single ingredient that Dread Metal is made of; Dread Metal. With the ability to freely manipulate the size of individual atoms during the metals creation, Xavier was able to fill every gap, grain or other defect the metal exuded until it possessed an impossibly flawless crystal structure. Not only was it 4 times as strong and dense as the crystal structure possessed by steel; the alignment of it’s atomic structure prevented it from having a Brittle-to-Ductile Transition at even Absolute Zero temperatures as well as preventing the infiltration of any encroaching ice particles. They would encase the different pieces of his metallic anatomy and continue to render him immobile, of course; but their structure would be left in practically perfect condition and undamaged by the ice itself. In essence, it was relatively futile to fight Xavier in a way that sought to freeze and smash his metal; as the metal could never be shattered. The situation was made worse by the fact that everything from his muscles and bones to the brain in Xaviers head was made of Dread Metal in some fashion and would protect the individual parts in question from the encroaching ice. The brain may not have been as tough as the hardened muscles of his body; but what it lost in toughness it would gain in malleability and ductility as the softer, but still tough, metal from which it was made would allow it to be squished, rattled and even stabbed if enough force is used, but not [I]destroyed[/I] by the force of the explosions. One could almost compare the damage done to it to that of a severe concussion; symptoms of which Xavier would exude the moment he regained lucidity. With Xavier’s mind essentially out of commission, it was all that his particles could do to cling to the last spaces they had been ordered to; their field distorting around the massive explosions but coming back together in their wake of it’s own volition. Within his mind, Xavier could see and feel the explosions as they came upon him; though they did not come across as their trues selves once perceived by his minds eye. On either side of the space he was aware of; a vicious rumbling was tearing through the sea of red ghosts that were attempting to lash out at him; scattering the individual particles which composed them to the darkness. Xavier’s gaze shifted to the left, where what appeared to be an armor clad woman twice as tall as himself. The eyes of the woman were the only things that weren’t made of the red particles; a pair of blazing emerald green flames flickering as she tore through the creatures. If Xavier had a heart; it would have skipped a beat. This was the woman whose death had heralded the creation of Xavier as he now knew himself. Tearing his gaze away from her, Xavier looked to his right, at the other source of rumbling, where he saw the 3 times enlarged upper half of a man’s body, empty spaces in it’s face giving the impression of pitch black eyes. It was tearing it’s way through on stump and hand through the creatures. The father who disowned him and who he had failed to save. Both he and the woman seeming to grow larger in size with each move they made. Two feelings flooded Xaviers mind at that moment; fear and anger. Which left only two options; fight, or flight. Before he knew it, the two had lunged themselves upon him and he found himself sandwiched between an abhorrently obscene amount of pressure. He could feel it pressing against him; an ethereal shattering echoing in his mind before the sound of the explosions rocked the darkness with untold waves of red energy. As the two perceived threats slammed into his body; a number of different things began to happen. Xavier knew not that the threats were less than they seemed and as they slammed into his body and began tearing it up; he attempted to defend himself by hardening his body from the inside out as he tried to let out a scream of hate and anger. The metal of his body responded in kind, the depths of every piece of his body hardening as the first waves of immense pressure washed over them; the scream however, came out as much, much more. Outside his mind, it would sound like someone was plucking the strings of a harp as several more of the metallic muscular fibers all over Xavier’s body began to snap and sever while his wrists and ankles were bent into disgusting angles and he assumed a forced fetal position; with the pressure growing and the symphony rising to an unknown crescendo with each passing instant. Luckily, at the moment of freezing, Xavier’s muscles had been tensed to incredible lengths so as to explode in the next instant. While they may not have been able to release that energy; the muscles were still locked in their tensed and toughened state, which would prevent too much outright destruction. Up to this point, several layers of muscular fibers all over his body had been severed when all of the sudden it would have stopped; a thick and solid layer of Dread Metal finally over taking what remained just a half second after damage had been done. This change was immediately followed by the appearance of strange, condensation like flame pockets before the Dreadful Flames suddenly rocketed forth from his body at over 100MPH in a torrential ring of crimson flames. accompanied by a deep, ethereal bellowing that seemed to come from hundreds of different voices. In just 100 Milliseconds, the flames would have covered enough distance to cause an instant ignition of the remaining Dread Energy particles in the arena ahead of it; both blanketing the air with a thick layer of crimson flames and weakening the outer face of the ice wall against which the particles rested. In any given square inch of space, there would be at least 100 particles jammed together; giving the wall a thickness of around 400 particles. This would place well over 310,000,000 enlarged particles surrounding the area in which the barrier had once been. Just a second and a half after his explosions had made impact and ripped Xavier's body apart, Dias would have to face the arena beginning to fill with flames while the air 90' away to his right(give or take) would have begun to explode as the large particles of Dread Energy were ignited on the front of the ice barrier. As these particles would ignite, they released a massive amount of energy that was capable of mimicking the actions of a volatile explosion; giving the larger of these particles an explosive power comparable to a single hand grenade and a flame spreading effect like napalm. As the first hundred thousand explosions rang out, it was like claymores had been placed on the field as the explosive force of the shifting particles would blast those ahead of them further into the uncharted air; leaving the possibility that there could still be explosions sounding off as the flames reached the center of the empty space. While the area to the right of Dias was exploding, the rest of the flames would be spreading against the ice barrier so as to create a chain reaction that would force him to deal with several different angles of attack with each passing moment; the angles multiplying exponentially with every passing millisecond. Meanwhile, Xavier would be processing the fact that his mind was snapping back from the darkness in which it had been locked. There was a ringing in his ears, an insane amount of pressure in his head and a non stop feeling that the room was spinning.