[@ArkmageddonCat] Me as a player and Me as a character are two different stories. I can have all the foresight and predictions in the world, but Zim or El can only work with the scope of information with which they are provided, similar to how none of our characters know about Elora pleading with Katya to "Kill the Son" because our characters aren't there and Katya hasn't shared that information with anybody else. The only other characters that know about this particular situation are under GM control, so you can pretty well assume that it is "need to know." And as so far as "higher ups figuring it out" then I would like to point out that our Executive Officer, Lorenzo, thought that it was perfectly safe to transport this particular prisoner back to our base because it was in some sort of stasis pod design to keep its powers at bay and was clearly so enthusiastic about getting his hands on the prisoner that he couldn't be bothered to introduce our newest member(s) properly. So our highest member of our direct line of command is too distracted to see it and has probably assured any of his peers that everything is fine, so they aren't doing anything other than the normal security protocols other than perhaps tighter security on the elite's particular cell/containment unit. Also, a fun thing to note: The only member of Squad Sigma who carries a weapon is Katya as a portion of her commission. Though I imagine that Elise does as well. Additionally, I don't think that any sort of weapons training was ever mentioned, but I have to imagine that our characters were given at least the bare minimum of firearms training. [@Apollosarcher] That is true, with any luck it'll work out that way!