[center][img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/f690/th/pre/i/2017/225/f/6/edge_of_darkness_cover_by_alayna-dbjwtcz.jpg[/img][/center] [h3][center]~Alenoa City~[/center][/h3] Well, she knew one thing. Flying was absolutely wonderful. The air rushed past them quickly, and if she had been a little younger she would have probably not been able to keep a few shouts of excitement from escaping. Villages and landscape rushed past them. Mountains and trees, even a river. This was definitely a good choice, yes, heh. It cut down on so much travel time. What would have taken what was likely most of the day, even by horse became a quick half-hour trip at [i]most[/i]. When Himeko landed, Charlotte landed on the ground, a bit wobbly after being so high up. So this was a city that wasn't Astril...hm. She was mildly impressed. Despite the grandiose of it, there still didn't seem to be a building quite so high as the tower. First things first though. [color=a187be]"Whew, that was...enlightening."[/color] Charlotte mused to herself as Himeko took in the sight of the city. It was easy to tell she was exhausted though. It was easy enough to spot exhaustion in any creature, if one had studied it long enough. Which would also mean it'd be a perfect time to do this. [color=a187be]"Well, I'm certain there'll be something to eat once inside. I could go for a little something myself, I suppose."[/color] Rather nonchalantly, she plucked a feather from Himeko's wings before she had a chance to put them away. [color=a187be]"Right then, lets go."[/color] she started walking at a brisk pace.