All appeared quiet on the western front, as the duo waltzed in, fully absorbing the adjacent barren nook. With the draconic mystic nowhere to be discovered, only the crew of the [i]S.S. Lady Slipper[/i] was left, seemingly amassed near another cranny riddled with stalagmites. The final stages of an apparent interrogation transpired as Jill revealed the medallion, given by Bledig, to an unseen person of interest, swaying its pendulous weight with purpose and pride. A reply rippled its rebuttal, clear and cold as fear and gold, to their captain. “Looks like we're on the same team.” Soon, thereafter, three thunderous crows of blows upon stone betrayed their positions. The jester sensed the excitement of likely another playmate entering the mix, but quickly was intercepted by a rivaling sight of metallic sentries, trotting in unison to an invisible drummer. The blue geisha raised her hand in effort to garner attention. Yet, Koan was easily ignored, similar to the tale of that annoying boy that cried [i]Theullai.[/i] Nippily, an additional upper extremity ascended in accord, but no one gave it mind nor acted as if anything was out of the ordinary, belonging and blending into the walls, like a Fuzzy-Wuzzy marching straight out from the tainted pages of a forgotten Kipling ballad. [color=ed1c24]“Um. Then, who are they? Are they our opponents?”[/color] She continued to point and jab to gather awareness to the show-worthy jeopardy soon to befall them. The flaunting glaives glimmering off the chrome suggested danger and endangerment. No matter if the cobalt contortionist was unheeded; this was a moment to demonstrate her worth once more. Serendipity smiled upon Sauron's giggling smurfette, allowing her to harvest yet another crimson badge of courage, assuming blood could be spilt. At any rate, there wasn’t any time to waste or fun to lose. The cerulean comic spun and spun, like an Olympic whirling dervish, eventually tossing a bright pink lob, landing upon and flushing a single line of the couplet of automatons. [color=ed1c24]“I got one, Noriam! Time to reel’em in!”[/color] While still revolving as a cyclonic rotary, a tornadic pair of rays, curved, fast and whelmed with Eldritch energy, sank into the pocket of the now rosy machine. The cemented smirk on the fool’s visage, began to decrescendo as her umpire eyes, despite landing her pitched strikes, reaped their persistent staccato pace. Still towards them and their makeshift base. [color=ed1c24]“Guys, um, they're up to bat.”[/color] She exclaimed, near Cynthia, as she took nearby cover behind their friendly neighborhood azure tiger. [Hider=Mechanics] Koan's Action: Faerie Fire on one of the Monsters. Wild Mage Surge triggers granting Disadvantage to Spell Saves the next minute to enemies. Two rays of Eldritch Blast is Quickened on the Automaton that is engulfed in pink Faerie Fire, dealing a mere 12 damage. She finishes her movement next to Cynthia. Koan has 10/43 HP. 3/4 First level spell slots. 0/3 Second Level Spell Slots left. 3/3 Third level Spell Slots. 0/2 First Level Warlock Spell Slots. 3/4 Sorcerer Spell Points [/Hider] [@JBRam2002]