The History Millenia ago the world of Vosgan was a magical place where spells were hurled and rituals were cast en masse. However one fateful day in the year of the Fool, the magic disappeared and the mighty mages that once led battles and ruled over kingdoms fell to usurpers of normal blood. For over 100 generations the world would be without magic until the year of the Sheep came and the magic came back in a different form, artifacts of long gone eras. Most of them gaining sentience and a personality, some good and some evil. Luckily a married couple that were patrons of magic created a school in the hope that the magic would come back in some way. This couple is Siobhan and Brody Kerensky. The school is called Forever Worthy, due to the fact they don't discriminate against people or other beings who want to pursue magic in a benevolent way. Forever Worthy Forever Worthy the school is a classic diesel punk style (think Sky Captain and World of Tomorrow, Metropolis, Hellboy or The Rocketeer) school. In the early years it had a mirror that reflected where the student would be placed and dictated what they would do. However it was scrapped as more students washed out and just couldn't work with what they were given by the mirror. It is now worked more like a more modern school. The staff is sparse but very specialized, from axe to Zanbatou there will be a teacher for any weapon known. Your character is a student in Forever Worthy and is trained to be a Spellsword with your weapon of choice. Species other than Humans in Vosgan They're some other races apart from humanity on Vosgan, none of them new to humanity. Most of them are humanoid though some aren't. Hanokeans: The “Pegacorns” of Hanoke are a race of winged amphibious horses (Think a pony with frog skin and wings like a penguin that make it more aerodynamic in the water). They pride themselves as storytellers. In fact, Hanokeans have a very pluralistic view on religion due to their encoragement of telling stories, with some Hanokeans literally being the sole believer in that religion. Hanokeans have a reputation for being pathological liars as Hanokeans have a very flexible relationship with the truth. A Hanokean will happily forgive a lie if the lie was entertaining. Their weapon is always their horn. Troglidjinns: Bloated humanoid toads who focus on hallucinagenics for their pleasure and weaponry. Troglodjinns also claim to be the sole remaining race that have magic in it's pure form. These claims are unfounded as most Troglodjinns tend to be isolationist and the ones that have trekked out tend to use their hallucinagenics to trick people into thinking they're magical still. They have only recently finally went to Forever Worthy to see what this new type of magic is like. Chiffers: The offspring of many magical human bloodlines that eventually became a human offshoot. Chiffers are forever youthful (no more than 30) and seem to be able to channel some pure old magic but in limited bursts (though it's very taxing on their frail bodies). Chiffers are known for their beauty, intellect and frailty (having a lot of limited bloodlines have made their health suffer). Chiffers are tragically mostly used as eugenics lab rats or broodmares for crime lords. Forever Worthy makes their lot in life far more bareable. They always have something that separates them from humans be it antennae, leafy hair, a scent of colonge or perfume or a tail of some sort. Gnomes: Gnomes are a species of mutalism. They bond to families and take care of the kids, hearth and home. They never steal, exploit or do anything to harm their bonded family. However they also tend to be cutthroat when it comes to protecting their family. A gnome would happily poison a neighbor that threatened their family with a fine for grass that was too long for example. From the soccer mom that secret pops pills to the overworked mogul, all races seem to benefit from gnomes. Their weapons are almost always household items like a frying pan or a broom. 1. Your weapon of choice doesn't need to be sentient, though if you're a member of the Silhouette Mirage Academy it has to be as sentient weapons are always stronger than normal weapons. Plus it removes anybody from cheating around the major drawback of playing an evil character. I made this rule for people who aren't comfortable or confident enough to basically play two characters. All Hanokean weapons aren't sentient though they can reach the same power level as evil weapons with A LOT of training. This is mostly common sense and balancing as Hanokeans will not be the objectively weakest race due to their limited arsenal. 2. It's a hybrid sandbox metaplot. There is a plot but don't feel obligated to make the RP into a grocery list. 3. Weaponry is only the focus of Forever Worthy, you can have lessons that aren't military in nature. If your character is for example a fencer that wants to be a ballerina that's perfectly fine and it can even give you some wiggle room in combat naturally. 4. If you are playing an evil character I will trust you to be brutal to your character. I hate to God Mod, I've been there in real life it's not fun. However I will tell you if I think your character is due for a burn by his weapon. One can't murder hobo in this world without seriously getting messed up. 5. This is modern times so you can be creative with what your weapons are. Plus guns are allowed though due to the school setting live ammunition ISN'T available to students willy nilly. You need permission from the headmistress and headmaster. The older the student the more likely they'll trust you with said ammunition. A bow and arrow is also permissible and a tad more lenient if you take issue with the gun but no live ammo. 6. While this is a school, think of it like a community college (don't know if those are overseas but in America they exist) you can be any age, not just a teenager. Much like real life though there will be a stigma against those who are older and taking classes. [hider=Character Sheet] Faceclaim: Not needed but prefered see below on who is taken Name: You can be as whimsical as you want if you're playing a non-human, though Troglidjinns tend to be more caveman in their name like “Ugg” or “Bulruk” Species: Half-breeds are allowed via genetic augmentation and test tube babies Height: For Hanokeans think a shetland pony as the norm Weight: For Hanokeans see above Gender: Sexuality: Body Type: Eye Color: Hair Color: When applicable Skin Color: Relationship Status: Personality: The longer the better but keep casual limits (I know it's tempting to type one and done posts but please elaborate). As a rule of thumb have two traits seen as good and two that are seen as bad. If your character's fashion is important it also goes under here. Fighting Style: Is your fighter more of a guy who's all power but little finesse, all finesse but no power? Keep in mind your weapon and its traits when figuring out that. A Hanokean for example will usually have a charging strategy due to it's horn. Hobbies Habits Likes Dislikes Fears Bio: MUST have the moment you found and bonded with your weapon. Description of Weapon: This can also be a picture but if the weapon is very unique a simple 3 or four sentence description is fine. Weapon Name: Weapon Type: Weapon Personality: Is your weapon good and relatively weaker compared to the evil weapons or is it evil and must be used sparingly lest it consume the heart and soul of your character. Weapon abilities: Relationship with owner: Weapon Bio: [/hider] Face Claims already for NPCs Faceclaims: NPCs: [url=]Maria Doyle Kennedy[/url] is Siobhan Kerensky assistant headmistress of Forever Worthy: The kind, yet at times too forgiving Assistant Headmistress of Forever Worthy. [url=]Bruce Campbell[/url] is Brody Kerensky headmaster of Forever Worthy husband of Siobhan: He loves his wife, his school and just chillin'. Despite his lazy exterior he likes a work ethic. [url=]Vincent D'Onofrio[/url] is Stanley Tubbs, long-suffering heavy blade specialist: Longest tenured teacher in the school and survivor of many of Phoebe's pranks. [url=]Tatiana Maslany[/url] is Natalie Granger, the mature little sister and light blade specialist: Newly divorced younger sister of Phoebe Granger and just as frazzled as Stanley, just for far different reasons (well kind of). [url=]Krysten Ritter[/url] is Phoebe Granger, the immature big sister and blunt weapon specialist: The competent, but very much a trickster sister of the Granger bloodline. It's hard to measure whether she's either Loki or Coyote, malicious or just wise in an eccentric way. Her mindset is "Dangle your soul above evil's head and yank it as he tries to eat it." [url=]Mark Hamill[/url] is Eddie Grimes, the archaic ranged teacher (bows and the like): A cynical stickler for the rules and kind of a grizzled vet that looks at the future and goes: “Really? This is what I have to work with?” [url=]Hayley Atwell[/url] is Minernya, the Chiffer modern ranged teacher: The frail but very powerful Chiffer with visions that she can't really make heads or tails of. Very much into conspiracy theories and concepts that are viewed as "weird" PCs [url=]Jamie Bell[/url] is Walt Grismer Skandar Keynes is Kai Waterfield They will be other teachers of mundane subjects but I'm still getting over being ill and just having a nightmare. You are encouraged to have a relationship sheet but it's not needed.