[hider=Dawn Memoli] [img]http://fotos.fotoflexer.com/65c0e40afedaf5449300c2b9d75047b6.jpg[/img] [h2]Dawn Evelyn Memoli[/h2] [h3]~ Physical Profile ~[/h3] [b]Name:[/b] [color=#6698FF]Dawn Evelyn Memoli[/color] [b]Physical Age:[/b] [color=#6698FF]23[/color] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] [color=#6698FF]Human[/color] [b]Subspecies:[/b] [color=#6698FF]N/A[/color] [b]Description:[/b] Clocking in at roughly 4 foot 9 inches in boots, and without much muscle mass to speak of, Dawn isn’t exactly the most imposing figure around. Her face is soft and open, with pale skin and grey eyes ringed with shadow. Her hair is black and thick, and Dawn has grown it to her hips- although, as a result, she has developed a habit of styling it in a side plait to keep it out of the way most of the time. Dawn usually tries to “dress to impress”, donning skirts, tights, cardigans and flats to work and throughout everyday life. Winter sees her swapping to a modest sweater and slacks, and warm seasons have her lose the cardigan entirely. In more casual settings, she’ll don a simple pair of jeans and a shirt, but there’s one constant throughout many of her wardrobe changes- a hat. Regardless of setting, she’ll often be found wearing a hat of some kind, although her apparent favorite is a black sunhat. [h3]~ Psychological Profile ~[/h3] [b]Personality:[/b] By nature, Dawn is a gentle soul, soft spoken and polite towards strangers and friends alike. She tends to be quite protective and maternal towards friends of hers, and makes an effort to grant a level of respect to most. However, while friendly and slower to anger than some, she is not necessarily a yes-woman- oftentimes, when made annoyed by someone or a situation, her irritation will manifest itself as a dry sort of humor and a somewhat snarky commentary. This humor tends to be present regardless, however. When genuinely angered, Dawn grows calm to the point of frigidity, becoming vengeful and keeping her grudges close at hand. [b]Likes:[/b] - Cheeseburgers. - Cookie dough ice cream. - Movies of all genres. - Campy crime and police TV shows. - Well-done furnishing and decor. - Rainy days. - Jazz. -Nighttime. [b]Dislikes:[/b] - Smoke, whether from cigarettes or elsewhere. - Going back on one’s word. - Unnecessary cruelty. - Bananas. - Loud noises (train whistles, blaring music, alarms). - Injustice. - Unwanted physical contact. [b]Strengths:[/b] - Dawn is rather intelligent, with this trait being one that she relies on most. - Patience. Dawn is willing to tolerate a fair amount, although this could be thought of more as a strong sense of determination as well. - Incredibly loyal towards her beliefs. [b]Fears:[/b] - A loss of control. - Losing the people she cares about. - Abandonment. [b]Hobbies:[/b] - Reading. Newspapers, novelettes, novels- if it interests her, Dawn will often set it aside and try to dabble in it later. - Playing FPS games. - Shooting. Dawn’s currently trying to improve her shot, and sees no harm if she enjoys doing so. - Watching movies and TV. Has a preference towards the superhero and crime genres. [b]Secrets?:[/b] - Dawn occasionally reads very campy and very stupid romance novels in her spare time. - [color=#6698FF]…?[/color] [b]Outlook on life:[/b] The world is an uncaring, distant thing. It doesn’t care about anyone: bad things happen to good people, and the bad flourish. However, there are some things that make it worthwhile in the end. Dawn is very much a realist. [b]Affiliation:[/b] Herself, and those that matter to her. [b]Moral Alignment:[/b] Neutral Good [h3]~ Combat Profile ~[/h3] [b]Major Abilities:[/b] [color=#6698FF]+ A decent shot with a handgun. + Can deliver a pretty painful kick, even when wearing a skirt.[/color] [b]Minor Abilities:[/b] [color=#6698FF]- Knows first-aid.[/color] [b]Special Ability:[/b] [color=#6698FF]N/A[/color] [b]Boundary:[/b] [color=#6698FF]No.[/color] [b]Equipment:[/b] Clothing, purse, phone, Bersa Thunder 380. [b]Minor Skills:[/b] - Able to keep her head in stressful situations. - Empathetic. [color=#6698FF]- Can cook without burning the food.[/color] ~ Statistics ~ [b]Willpower:[/b] [color=#6698FF]C[/color] [b]Faith:[/b] [color=#6698FF]D[/color] [b]Mana Capacity:[/b] [color=#6698FF]F[/color] [b]Magickal Proficiency:[/b] [color=#6698FF]F[/color] [b]Physical Competence:[/b] [color=#6698FF]E[/color] [h3]~ Faction Profile ~[/h3] [b]Faction:[/b] N/A [b]Rank:[/b] N/A [b]Class:[/b] N/A [b]Title:[/b] N/A [b]Loyalty Level:[/b] N/A [h3]~ Miscellaneous ~[/h3] [b]Biography/History:[/b] [color=#6698FF]For a world where demons and werewolves walk the same streets as humanity, and buffalomen lurk in the heart of national forests, Dawn’s life has been surprisingly pleasant. The child of an Italian physician and an American lawyer, she was born and raised near the edges of Ohio, where mutual family friends lived. Due to the combined incomes of her parents, the family didn’t face many struggles financially, although there was a strong pressure put upon Dawn to excel- especially in the face of her brother, who had stolen money from the family and booked it to Las Vegas once he was old enough to do so. Both elementary and middle school passed without much event, aside from a batch of noteworthy grades, but sometime in high school Dawn came into the acquaintance of a boy named Jojo. While she had little friends at the time due to her focus on schoolwork, their shared interest in reading led to her hanging around him more often than not. By the time they had graduated, she had begun to regard the other as a close friend, and left for university with the promise to keep in touch if possible. While Dawn had initially intended to become a lawyer like her mother, she eventually decided to shoot for a job in law enforcement, having admired police and detectives throughout most of her life. With her grades, she was able to snag a slot in a criminal justice university over in New York, and promptly moved there, eager to start pursuing her future. Her grades stayed high, and as a reward, Dawn was sent to a trip to London by her parents. While touring there, she found herself running into her old classmate, Jojo. The man was in a tight spot, and, concerned for her old friend, she invited him to live with her so he could get back on his feet. The two now stay together in a two bedroom apartment, both working in pursuit of their education. While having a roommate took a bit to get used to in the beginning, Dawn is content, comfortable with the route that her life has taken. (Jojo being able to cook hasn’t hurt, either.)[/color][/hider] Here's ya girl Dawn