[center][h2][color=#FF9A26][b]Lilliana Merrycure[/b] [sup][i][/i][/sup][/color][/h2][/center][hr] Listening as she began glancing between nakama to check for wounds, she had made her way to Boone by the time he started giving orders. As he revealed the gun shot wound she frowned, but nodded and directed him to sit down somewhere. Once situated she glanced up at him, making sure he was ready, before she let a bit of B-MO slip into the wound. It would hurt, but not as much as bullet extraction normally would. She had applied a small amount of numbing agent and antiseptic to the bit of B-MO that had pried the bullets out. Once done she began cleaning the outside of the wound and then wrapping it tightly to help staunch the bleeding and let it heal. When she had finished she checked Boone over and dealt with any minor injuries before moving on to the next crewmate: Feya. Setting bones, giving her shots with her special healing elixir and tending to anything else, it took her significantly longer for her to finish helping Feya. Any complains would be met with a sharp look and little else. Her elixir helped with the pain significantly, but it was still an unpleasant endeavor. To finish she gave the woman another two shots, though one of them was something to make her sleep—a high dosage given the woman's stubborn nature and incredible constitution. She left her with orders, from one doctor to another, to stay in bed for awhile and rest up. The drug would set in soon enough to make sure she listened. Despite any fussing, she took care of Caeser next, as Bonesword seemed largely intact and really only needed a hug, some headpats, and a glass of milk. Dirk and Slick were perhaps the easiest to take care of given that neither of them had really come out too roughed up. Though it appeared that Dirk had taken quite the punch to the face. After tending to everyone she returned to the helm of the ship with Boone and sat down, watching their approach to Clock Town with a small smile. She wondered what wonderful things they might find there.