The orcs grumbled, but they trusted the wisdom of their chieftain. The tower was soon erected and the river as well as the plains beyond were soon watched day and night. Over the flat landscape no one would be able to approach or repeat the earlier insult unnoticed, except in the darkest night or through the thick forests to the north. A) Improve food B) Improve military technology C) Improve infrastructure D) Improve culture E) Explore F) Improve resources/technology G) Prospect the land H) Expand military I) Take diplomatic action X) Other Population: 130 men, 130 women, 50 children. Military: No standing military. Militia able to be conscripted up to 60% of adult population. (Higher than most races due to being savage orcs). Food level: Above Average Resources: Lumber, some bog iron Wealth: Non-existent Trade: Non-existent Growth: Good Morale: Angry at foreigners Infrastructure: Eastern watch tower, storehouse Foreign relations: [color=92278f]Dwarves [/color]- [color=fff200]No contact[/color] [color=007236]Horned Strangers[/color] - [color=ed1c24]Hostile[/color]