[CENTER] [h2][Color=641E16]| ROUTE 1: Beach |[/color][/h2][h3][Color=641E16][i]| January 2nd, Dawn| [/i][/color][/h3] [Hider=| RIN | The Restless, Rambunctious Rival |] [Img]https://i.imgur.com/bvG1klF.png[/img] [Color=641E16]◇◇◇[/color] [Color=rosybrown][B]They/Them[/B] Pronouns for When Referring to Rin.[/color] [Color=E6B0AA][i]Thank You![/i][/color] [Color=F2D7D5]◇◇◇[/color] [/Hider] [/CENTER] Rin [i]was[/i] feeling pretty good as they dropped the Cheri Berries into their Berries Pouch. Paralysis had to be Rin's least favorite status effect. When it was used against them that is. They remembered just as many fond memories as they did irritating ones from battles involving the condition that had been waged with loan pokémon from the Zurest Trainer School. It also bugged them on a personal level, as Rin hated feeling trapped or held back. With that in mind Rin realized they needed to get going to Sunsay! It was still early so maybe they could beat Liz there. As Rin prattled off to Anusobeket about the perfect timing to jump out at Liz when she eventually made it the Pokémon Center, the hearing-aid-less trainer's dulled sense of hearing failed to alert them of the encroaching [i]Larvesta.[/i] Gerseti immediately picked up what his Trainer had not, and was a second away from [b][u][i]Tackling[/i][/u][/b] them out of harm's way, when the Torch Pokémon shot an [u][i][b]Ember[/b][/i][/u] right where Rin was going to take their next left step. Gerseti started backing away as Rin slowly turned around with a smile so hopeful and exuberant it looked painful. When Rin finished spinning on their right heel, they deflated and comically bent in half with disappointment. [Color=rosybrown]"Oh . . . I thought you were gonna be a [i]Cyndaquil.[/i]"[/color] [Color=00E5FF]"Tota . . ."[/color], Anusobeket sounded just as discouraged. However the two snapped back up so fast it made Gerseti question if they'd prepared this reaction or if the the headstrong duo really were that in sync. Their personalities surely were. [Color=rosybrown]"No matter! We may not be taking you with us, but we sure as heck will be taking you down!"[/color] With a dramatic point of their finger, which Gerseti was begining to think was the trainer's signature, Anusobeket fell from her place in Rin's arms and landed with a fierce glare at the wild pokémon. Gerseti could only back up further. This was looking a little too familiar. [Color=rosybrown]"Teach that Fire Type a lesson in manners! Use [u][i][b]Water Gun![/b][/i][/u]"[/color] And with that, the Big Jaw Pokémon opened wide with a harsh torrent of water. [CENTER] [@Balthazar007] [/CENTER]