[color=gray] [hider= Aksel Hallgrimsson] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/OEEKK6m.jpg[/img][/center] [center][color=gray][h1][i]Aksel Hallgrimsson[/i][/h1][/color][/center] Name: [color=gray] Aksel Hallgrimsson[/color] Race/Faction: [color=gray] Viking[/color] Age: [color=gray]28 or 29[/color] Description: [color=gray]Aksel is tall, standing at 6'3". When working around his home he is usually wearing his normal clothing but when he is in town, on a ship or raiding he is found in full battle gear wearing link mail and armor carrying axes and a shield. He has dirty blond hair that is shaved on both sides leaving him with a braid that goes down to his back as is common for the time. He also has grown out his beard and banded it together as if it were in a pony tail. All of this would be nothing without his sharp piercing blue eyes.[/color] "Class": [color=gray]warrior-Danish Earl[/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/gVCKlsU.gif[/img][/center] History: [color=gray]Aksel was raised up in the viking environment. He worked on the family farm and when raiders attacked and killed his father he took up arms and started fighting back with others of his clan. Eventually he got into a skirmish with his Earl and killed him in one on one combat leading to his own ascension to Earl. As many of the vikings moved south to raid and war Aksel did too. He has never married and the girl that had his heart years ago died during childbirth along with his daughter. Since then Aksel has led a life focused on making things safer for those around him.[/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/SKDcAi0.gif[/img][/center] Strengths:[color=gray] Physically strong, Loyal, Protective, Aggressive, Smart[/color] Weakness: [color=gray] Women, Can come off as cold when he is being aggressive, Cares a little too much sometimes[/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/3yCkywU.gif[/img][/center] What is the most important thing to know about your character?[color=gray] When he says he is "all in" He is usually "in" too far. {Loyal to a fault}[/color] What is your character's greatest flaw?[color=gray] Sometimes he gets stuck in the past on the loss of his lady and child.[/color] [hider=Writing sample] While skinning the fur off of the large cat Aksel hummed a little tune from his childhood. Knowing he was alone he had his guard up, just in case. He heard the arrow coming at him before he saw it and he ducked his head and dove towards his shield. [color=gray]"Come out and face me like a man ya bloody coward!"[/color] A figure darted through the trees and noisily surrounded him. He chuckled realizing who it was. he put his axe back and snuck into the woods and behind the perpetrator and kicked him in the back of the leg. He chuckled as the boy went down. The boy rolled over and said, "Did you know I was there the entire time?" Giving him an arm up Aksel nodded and grinned. [color=gray]"You were noisier than a grizzly bear."[/color][/hider] [/hider] [color=f49ac2] [hider=Reidun Gundersdottir] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/evtwuEw.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h1][color=pink]Reidun Gundersdottir[/color][/h1][/center] Name: [color=pink]Reidun Gundersdottir[/color] Race/Faction: [color=pink]Viking[/color] Age: [color=pink]25[/color] Description: [color=pink]Reidun is on the tall side for a woman at 5'9". She has a slender build but she is strong. She has waist length flaming red hair and a pale complexion that makes her appearance quite striking. There is softness about her that is visible in her eyes. She is most often found in a green dress with fur at the top.[/color] "Class": [color=pink]Shield maiden[/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Ee4TT3Y.jpg[/img][/center] History: [color=pink]Reidun grew up in Aksel's house. She was raised as family because her family was killed in a raid when she was five. When Aksel went to Kattegat she followed. She likes adventure. She was also afraid of some of the men in her village so she made herself indispensable to Aksel.[/color] Strengths:[color=pink] Good fighter, Strong, cares about others, Very intelligent, beautiful[/color] Weakness: [color=pink]can not swim, refuses to kill children, easily identifiable by her appearance [/color] What is the most important thing to know about your character? [color=pink]She is kindhearted.[/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/z2ix77H.jpg[/img][/center] What is your character's greatest flaw? [color=pink]She likes to see the goodness in others to the point that she often lets them off too easily.[/color] [hider=writing sample] Reidun turned and blocked the sword with her own and as she pushed a little harder the other sword flew from her opponent's hand. Her sword now at his throat she looked at him stonily just before striking the death blow. She bent over his body and wiped his blood from her sword and onto his clothing. Hearing a baby crying her heart flipped and she left the few remaining men to fight and she ran towards the crying babe. Barely ten feet into the woods she found the infant in the arms of a small girl of no more than five or six years old. Sheathing her sword she bent over the child who clutched the infant with desperation. [color=pink]"I'll not harm you."[/color] Looking further into the woods she caught sight of a woman who looked to be the mother. She appeared to be unwell and Reidun hurried the children to their mother and ushered them to leave quickly. [color=pink]"Go now, you do not have to die today."[/color] [/hider][/hider] [color=bc8dbf] [hider=Princess Marewen of Mercia] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ZaXlLZ3.jpg[/img][/center] Name: [color=bc8dbf]Princess Marewen [/color] Race/Faction: [color=bc8dbf]Christian[/color] Age: [color=bc8dbf]19[/color] Description: [color=bc8dbf]Princess Marewen has light golden brown hair with brown eyes and delicate features with soft pink lips. She is often seen with a companion who is charged with keeping her safe and making certain that she doesn't lose her virginity. She is a small young woman at 110 lbs and 5'2" tall. Marewen's pale skin is almost totally covered in order to keep it out of the sun's light. Her brown eyes have golden flecks in them and if one were to pay attention they would notice that she is very bright indeed.[/color] "Class": [color=bc8dbf]Royalty, Daughter of King Phillip of Mercia [/color] History: [color=bc8dbf]Born and raised as the royal child of King Phillip is both a blessing and a curse on Marewen. She is shown off as a prize to be bid for or given away in exchange for top dollar, land or for armies. Her beauty is beyond many of the other princesses therefore she is more valuable to her father, but not in the way she would like. He considers her a possession not a person worthy of his love and attention. What she wants the most is to be loved and valued for herself and not her name or parentage.[/color] Strengths:[color=bc8dbf] Beautiful, Intelligent, Passionate, Daring, Determined[/color] Weakness: [color=bc8dbf]Small physically, Easily Identifiable, Can not fight[/color] What is the most important thing to know about your character? [color=bc8dbf]She doesn't want to be bartered like a possession.[/color] What is your character's greatest flaw? [color=bc8dbf]She is naive.[/color] [hider=Writing Sample] Marewen slipped the powder into the woman's tea and walked quickly to the window to appear innocent. [color=bc8dbf]"So what will you do if he accepts the deal the Prince has offered him?"[/color] Shaking her head she replied. [color=bc8dbf]"I guess I'll be marrying that old man's son. I can only hope he is kinder and better than his father."[/color] The quiet noise of the woman's head lolling to the side in slumber emitted a slow smile upon the princess' face. Hurrying to the door she slipped out and down the hallways ducking into the kitchens. The laundry was still not folded and put away yet. She smiled and took some clothes. [/hider][/hider]