Agent watched as the intense heat coming from Flame, the woman, melted Reaper's bullets. If Reaper couldn't reach the woman, how would Agent? There wasn't much time to think. Flame pressed her hands forward once more, sending waves of fire to the group. Agent rolled to the side, away from the fire. She noticed the bodies of guards still splayed on the floor. They didn't seem to be wearing any kind of fireproof gear. Flame seemed to have no regard for their wellbeing. This didn't sit well with Agent. Agent searched for the men and eventually found two slumped together on the floor. It was hard to tell if they were dead from Reaper's bullets or knocked out from her fists, but she knew she had to do something. Agent stood and sprinted across Flame's range. More fire spewed from the woman's hand as Agent managed to scoop up the two men over her shoulders. "Trying to be the heroes?" Flame cackled, sending more flames and fire. Too busy chasing Agent's trail, Flame forgot about Reaper and Sound EFX. She assumed both men were armed with guns and would therefore be useless in stopping her. Flame laughed aloud at the thought. Agent managed to get the men behind a pillar across from Solomon's cover, but part of her suit had burned. She cursed at herself, knowing it would cost her money she didn't have to repair the bullet-resistant suit. She looked down to the men she had put behind cover and checked their pulses. It was hard to tell through her gloves, but she concluded they were both alive. "Where did you all hide?" Flame called. "Oh, I know, let's play a little game!" The woman clapped her hands together in a small explosion of flames. She slowly placed her hand over her eyes and pointed. "Eenie, meenie..." her hand slowly went from pillar to pillar until her aim finally rested on the one Solomon chose to hide behind. Without opening her eyes, fire blasted to the pillar, melting it down. Even from about thirty feet away Agent could barely handle the heat.