Convincing his brother to let him stay in the guest bedroom was an easy task for Durwith. Lorges liked him well enough, and Durwith's donation of 2 gold pieces to the roistering fund didn't hurt. But with that out of the way, Durwith had to endure the hard part: Resist the urge to strangle his poncy bard brother and his poncy bard friends. It took all of his will power, but Durwith managed to pull through. When what passed for morning in this world came, Durwith was quick to leave Lorges' house, eager to put as much distance between the house and himself as possible. "I can still hear their bloody singin' in me 'ead" Durwith grumbled to himself. As he walked, Durwith learned caught snippets of conversation. "Wagons being stolen, thieves wielding magic in the Square, attacks on guards at the Keep? The crime in this city is getting worse by the day!" 1 voice exclaimed. "You behave yourself now! Or the ghost of Old Bavaora will steal you away in the night!" Another scolded. "Accursed goblins" a final voice spat "None of this would have happened if that damn dwarf Grimblade hadn't cut up that goblin wizard". Durwith felt a twinge of guilt at those words, for he and Grimblade were 1 and the same. After a while, Durwith stopped to read a news board that had caught his eye. Apparently, some of the goblins had eluded the watch and a bounty was being offered for left ears. Seeing as the goblin outbreak was partially his fault, Durwith decided to help out. Seeing as the goblins escaped in Slaver's Square, Durwith was fairly certain he'd pick up the trail easily enough there. But as he made his way across Founder's Bridge, Durwith spotted a familiar face. Eston Glower. Durwith had served in the watch with him and hated every moment of it. The man was as crooked as the people he was meant to arrest and was just as vile too. Upon spotting Durwith, Eston grinned smugly and gripped his spear in anticipation. Durwith knew Eston planned on making trouble for him now that professional conduct no longer protected Durwith, but the dwarf would have none of it and pinned Eston with a glare of cold steel. Eston's grin soon faded and the man looked away with a scowl as Durwith passed unopposed. Crossing the bridge, Durwith came to Slaver's Square, a row of dying trees heralded the square's entrance. The square was well lit. All the streetlamps burned brightly, braziers were full of wood, and guards were patrolling in pairs. It looked as though the square had been cleaned up since the night before. The bodies had been removed and the wounded long since cared for, yet the square was very quiet. It typically was on an Issarday morning, but more so then usual. No doubt the threat of escaped goblins was keeping most people away. But if there was 1 thing that Durwith wasn't, it was most people. Durwith quickly found himself drawn to the empty cages that had housed the wretched creatures, from there he followed tracks that disappeared into an alleyway. His keen eyes were able to pick up on the trail again, noticing some scratch marks on a sewer grate. Seemed the goblins had taken refuge in the sewers below the city. "Sewers" Durwith said "Why oh why did it have to be sewers?". With that said, Durwith began to remove the grate. With some effort, the grate came loose, and pulled up revealing darkness below. With his darkvision, Durwith saw a ladder reaching down to a landing 20 feet below. "This had better be worth it" Durwith said before climbing down the ladder. Upon reaching the bottom, Durwith nostrils were invaded by the foul smell of refuse. He found himself in a narrow passageway, barely five feet across, a stream of sewage running through. One way, the passage took a bend while the other way stretched on into darkness. After donning his shield and drawing his battleaxe, Durwith proceeded down the straight passage while trying not to step in the stream. Durwith walked on for some time. The air was foul and thick. Rats scurried about and screeched at his intrusion. The odd grate above offered no light on this moonless, starless day. At last Durwith came to a culvert on his left, nearly missing it if it weren't for his darkvision. The culvert was low to the ground, and required Durwith to crawl through it, through the stream of foul muck. The passage, however, still stretched on out of sight. Needless to say, Durwith continued onwards. Durwith came to the end of the passageway after several minutes. To his left, the passage stretched on into darkness, to his right, it took a bend after thirty feet or so, with rats scurrying about in the darkness. Heading left, clear of rats, Durwith pressed on. Before long, the passage widened and Durwith entered a large corridor, with tunnels honeycombing throughout. Sickening waterfalls emptied into deep pools, and streams rushed into grates leading to deeper depths of the sewer. The corridor stretched on into darkness. Durwith proceeded across the walkway, holding his shield up to each waterfall as he passed them. Pelts of rancid water hit Durwith's shield as he passed. As the corridor began to wind to his left, Durwith sensed a decline as the passage took him down deeper into the sewers. Trekking on, the winding chamber split into many different passages, and became disorienting. It soon became difficult to tell which was the main passage as it began to narrow once again. However, Durwith was able to keep his bearings, and also catch sight of an iron cuff discarded on the ground. Perhaps a sign of goblins ahead. Readying himself for a fight, Durwith pressed on. He eventually came to a chamber thirty feet across, and fifty feet deep. There was a dilapidated door on the far side, barely standing on its hinges. The stone walls were crumbling, and pipes above emptied streams of water into pits on either side of the chamber. Durwith scanned the room. He seemed to be alone. However, he caught sight of some debris on the floor in front of the door. Upon closer inspection, he saw it was a crude trap, a loose plank to conceal a pit. As he saw this, the sound of foot falls could be heard behind him, approaching from the entrance of the chamber. Durwith faced the entrance, ready for battle. A pair of goblins entered the room. "Gromush a' val keetah..." 1 of the goblins said before trailing off as he caught sight of the dwarf. "Risgrooo-AH!" he shouted with an elongated claw pointed at Durwith. Pulling out a knife tucked into a rope that served as a belt, the goblin sneered, barking as it charged the intruder, knife in hand. The goblin slashed at Durwith, but the dwarf was ready for the strike and blocked it before cutting the goblins head off. The goblin archer hooted at the death of its companion. "Va'gul gramuush!!!" the creature cried out before it retreated for the entrance, disappearing in the dark passageway. With the archer on the run, Durwith took a moment to cut off the goblin fighter's left ear and stow in away in an empty backpack compartment. Beyond the dilapidated doorway, Durwith could suddenly hear faint shouting, and the trample of boots. Stepping over the pit, Durwith kicked down the door and charged through to meet whoever was on the other side. On the other side was a chamber, two pillars on either side, and waterfalls emptying into pools along the far wall. Five goblins awaited him, clearly expecting him from the calls of their scouts. Though they were clad in rough spun tunics and breeches, a single goblin who was presumably their leader, held a short sword and wore leather armor. "Gro'shah ga la! Gramuush!" the leader barked as he pointed at Durwith. Heeding the order of his master, the 1st of the goblin fighters charged at Durwith, his fangs bared as he slashed at the dwarf with his knife. His blow was hard and swift, but crashed harmlessly against Durwith's shield. The second fighter was quick to follow, coming at Durwith from his flank, a cudgel in hand. He jumped through the air, aiming to get atop Durwith's shoulders and strike at his head, but his attempt was blocked and he fell backward, landing nimbly on his feet with a bark. The goblin boss' eyes darken as he pulled out a short bow slung across his back, taking aim at the intruder. However, the arrow missed Durwith by an inch and clattered against the wall behind him. The goblin archers followed the lead of their master, 1 of the archers was suddenly overcome with nerves and dropped his bow as he attempted to loose his arrow. The other fired a sure shot that landed in Durwith's shoulder, finding a weak spot in his armor. Durwith responded by killing the 2 goblins fighting him in melee combat, getting hit by arrows twice in the process. Durwith then charged the goblin boss with a fearsome battle cry. The goblin boss howled as he shouldered his bow and drew his dagger, before nimbly ducking away from Durwith. The other two goblins, aghast at how quick the dwarf had chopped through their ranks, pull out knives for a close quarter fight. 1 archer moved back toward his boss, while the other one circled Durwith with a venomous hiss, getting closer to his companions. "Oh no you don't!" Durwith barked as he charged the goblin archer closest to him and cut the creature in 2. Durwith then lunged at the other goblin archer and decapitated him as well. The goblins shrieked as they were cut down and the goblin boss continued his flight, rounding the pillar and disappearing. Durwith made his way around the pillar, kicking aside some loose stones. To his dismay, the goblin seemed to be nowhere in sight. With the the goblin boss nowhere to be seen, Durwith checked for clues as to where he might be. Eyeing the loose stones, Durwith began to wonder about their source, his gaze going upward along the pillar. Clinging to the pillar some twenty feet high, was the goblin boss. Their eyes met, and seeing he was caught, the goblin sprung from the pillar, sword in hand. The goblin landed on Durwith's shoulders, his legs wrapped tight around Durwith's neck as his sword slashed down, stabbing down into the dwarf's chest. Durwith cried out in pain as the sword punctured his chest. Fortunately, the blade hit nothing vital and refused to leave Durwith long enough to give the dwarf the opening he needed to end the fight. Swinging his axe upwards, Durwith caught the goblin boss full in the face, splitting his skull in 2. With all the goblins dead, Durwith began collecting their left ears for bounties. Once done, Durwith left the sewers the same way he came in and went to turn in the ears.