I'm looking to Revamp a roleplay that has recently fizzled out. It was very successful but life got in the way of many of the members so things faded out. I still have unfinished ideas and wish to continue it with some new players. That being said, I'm open to changes and any new ideas. Let me know what you think and if you're interested! [center][h2]The World of Belvoir[/h2][/center] Belvoir is a bustling Kingdom with many cities, towns and farmlands. The capital city of Rothenburg is where the King resides along with his trusted advisers. Upon first glance, Rothenburg seems like a typical medieval city but closer observations reveal its many dark secrets. Things have always been mildly dangerous for the average peasant but recently, things have gotten much more deadly. New monsters have begun popping up, frequently attacking villagers and noblemen alike. They don't just attack outside the city walls any longer, now they have begun stalking prey inside the city. That is where the new Hunters Guild is coming in to play. The King has sent word around for any exceptional man or woman to help protect the Kingdom's innocent people. The word has been spread quietly, only those of the utmost skill and reputation have gotten invitations. Due to the nature of the job, the King and his royal council wish to keep it quiet, exterminating the dangers that roam the Kingdom without drawing the attention of the common-folk. On top of the frequent monster attacks, there is a number of corruption, secrets and affairs that happen behind the scenes in the noble houses. Everyone knows that the Three Families are powerful, but just how powerful? Who really runs the Kingdom? [hider=Map of Belvoir] [IMG]http://i66.tinypic.com/24wani8.png[/IMG] [/hider] [hider=Map of the City of Rothenburg] [IMG]http://i68.tinypic.com/2zowxhd.png[/IMG] [/hider] [h2][center]World Info[/center][/h2] Here are some basic details about the world the roleplay will be taking place in. There is a lot of info here so don't feel obligated to read it all right away. You may skim it to get an idea of how things work and I would recommend reading most of it before starting, but it is not required. [hider=Weapons and Technology] Since Rothenburg takes place in medieval times, technology is limited. Swords, axes and war hammers are common weapons, but some firepower has recently been discovered. Blunderbusses and other primitive guns have began to pop up here and there. Any such guns, however, remain clumsy and not entirely accurate. They do, however, provide superior firepower to the traditional crossbow. [/hider] [hider=Magic and Alchemy] While magic does exist in this world, it is not a common thing. Most humans have little to no knowledge of these abilities. Witches are the only known creatures who are avid magic users, although they usually rely more on their alchemical potions and other substances. [i]This means that you cannot create a magic-user at this time. Alchemy, however, is fair game.[/i] Alchemical science is just that: a science. It takes many years to master and, while normal people are able to study and use their knowledge to create potions, it is difficult to learn. Many books have been written on the subject, but those aren't accessible by most commonfolk. Only the nobles and those who choose occupations related to the subject have access to these books. That being said, Herbalists and healers will sell their potions for a price, and there are a wide range of potions ranging from healing potions, cures for baldness, strength enhancers, and even night vision. The new Hunters Guild has made good use of some of these potions, often keeping a few different types on hand. There is one in particular that they make use of the most: The Draught of the Titan, or just Titan as it is known by the Hunters. This potion give the user incredible strength, stamina, speed and resistance to most attacks and poisons. It only lasts for a few hours at a time but is very effective for fighting monsters. It isn't all good effects, however, as people who use this potion too much may experience some psychological side effects. People have been known to lose their minds and become addicted to the rush that this potion brings. If one only uses it once a day or less, however, these effects are barely noticeable and easily controlled. [/hider] [hider=Monsters and Lore] [hider=Vampires] Vampires are often referred to as "undead" as they appear to have no heartbeat. They sustain themselves mainly on blood, although they can eat normal foods, it just does nothing to sustain them. Vampires who still have a strong sense of morality will often be found drinking the blood of animals, instead of humans. This often causes farmers and livestock owners a great deal of strife as they lose their source of income. There are many legends and rumors of where the first vampire came from, but their exact origin is unknown. It is fairly well-known, however, how they reproduce. Vampires women cannot conceive once they are turned. The men, on the other hand, can impregnate a human woman. The offspring of a vampire male and human women is a vampire. These babies appear to be normal human babies save for the fact that they are born with fangs. The main method of vampire reproduction is through being turned with a bite. Not every victim gets turned into a vampire. If the vampire doesn't drain them completely of blood and they remain alive through the feeding, they will slowly turn into a vampire over the next few days. But if the vampire does drain them completely or kills them after feeding on them, they will simply die and not become a vampire. As vampires are usually reclusive, there remains many different (and often ineffective) methods to repel them. Some of these methods include: garlic, crucifixes, holy water, wild rose or hawthorn branches, among others. None of these things actually repel vampires, however, but they make the peasants feel as if they have some form of control over the situation. Appearance: Vampires are humanoid in appearance, and are otherwise indistinguishable from other humans. The only marked difference is their slightly elongated canine teeth, which are mostly unnoticeable and easily hidden. Abilities: Vampires are extraordinarily strong, agile and quick. They can break bones with their bare hands and can run at speeds rivaling that of a horse. They also have regenerative abilities, making it difficult to kill them. If their limbs are cut off, they can regrow them. This takes energy, however, and they often must rest for a day or two, depending on how much they must regenerate. Weaknesses: Vampires cannot be killed through ordinary means, as they can easily regenerate. They are weak to silver weapons, though just being stabbed with a silver sword won't kill them. They will still regenerate from a wound caused by silver, but it will be slightly slower than any normal wound. In order to completely kill a vampire, the silver must be driven through their hearts. They are also unable to regenerate if their bodies are completely destroyed: ie if they're entire body is shredded to pieces. They are also susceptible to burning, which is a common method to dispose of suspected vampires in small towns. [/hider] [hider=Wendigo] The Wendigo is a terrifying, carnivorous creature. Said to be transformed from any human who has given into cannibalism, they are fast, and feed only on humans. Some people don't believe in their existence, claiming it's just a myth started by rulers who wanted to dissuade their subjects from partaking in cannibalism. Those who have seen them, however, have a hard time forgetting them. Appearance: While being transformed from a human, the Wendigo is far from humanlike. Gaunt and tall, it has unnaturally long limbs. When crawling on all four, it looks almost spider-like. Their teeth are jagged and often caked in blood, their eyes are practically lidless and milky white. They often have thinning hair on their heads with elongated ears. Large, jagged antlers grow out of their skulls. Their skin is very thick, tough and not easily pierced. When a human first eats the flesh of another human, the transformation takes only a few days. They start with a craving for more, their body slowly following. Their eyes begin to loose color and their hair starts falling out in patches. Teeth begin to grow jagged and protrude from their jaws. Their fingers and limbs elongate and large antlers begin to emerge from their skulls. Soon, they are overwhelmed by a hunger that can only be satiated by human flesh. [hider=Wendigo] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/offbeat/images/b/b7/Wendigo.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150706082118[/img] [/hider] Abilities: The Wendigo is strong and quick. It's elongated limbs allow it to climb exceptionally well. It's rock-like skin makes it immune to most weapons, although it can be hurt with blunt force. It's long fingers and teeth allow it to tear into flesh with ease. Weaknesses: While not affected by normal swords and other sharp weapons, it is susceptible to blunt force. The force must be great to get through the creatures tough skin and break it's bones. While this can injure it, it's very unlikely to kill the creature. The only true way to kill a Wendigo is to incinerate it. They also have very poor eyesite. They cannot see much detail and rely mostly on movement when they hunt.[/hider] [hider=Lycanthropes] Many people were living their lives in fear that something may come out of the forest with an appetite for blood. Terrified and seeking a way to protect his pregnant wife, a man climbed the tallest mountain in the land and met with the witch living at the peak. He asked her for the strength to protect his family from all those who seek to harm them. The witch told the man, if he was really wanted to protect his family, he would need to make the ultimate sacrifice. The man told the witch he would give her whatever she wanted if it meant his family would live on. Not giving the man a chance to rethink his words, the witch stabbed into him, cutting into his chest, removing his heart. That night, the man’s wife died giving birth to the first Lycan. Weaknesses: Unlike the legends, silver is not some kind of special repellent. The only known way to kill these creatures is through physical destruction. Whether it be decapitation or evisceration, or an explosion, they’re killable, it just takes a little extra effort. Forms: There are two known forms of Lycan that the Kingdom has to come to know. Beast: These are the stronger of the 2. They’re larger than their counterparts, and have much more fur. These Lycans rarely appears and are often only caught in glimpses. They seem to be much smarter than the others, staying hidden. These Lycans are more in control of their transformations and find them less painful. They are able to choose when they transform and control themselves once they are in their beast form, although they can only stay that way for a few hours until they suffer severe exhaustion. [hider=Picture][img]https://i.imgur.com/hWs30Ap.jpg[/img][/hider] Feral: These Lycans are much smaller and have very little hair. They look less wolf like and more monster like. Their skin looks bruised and shredded from their bones changing size and sifting in their body. It’s said the pain of the transformation is what drives them mad, and the bloodlust that follows is only to sustain their unstable state. Though only a bit larger than a full grown man, they have incredible strength, able to tear limbs from bodies, and bite through bone. The madness they suffer during transformations makes them lose all control over their own minds. Their transformations are random and are more likely to happen during times of great stress. Once in feral forms, they lose all control and memory of their actions. These lycans do not last long as it is next to impossible to hide. [hider=Picture][img]https://i.imgur.com/nqvD5g4.jpg[/img][/hider] [/hider] [hider=Ogres] Appearance: Ogres vary in size, reaching anywhere between 14-18 feet tall, and generally weigh close to a half ton. They are completely bald, their skin a rough exterior comparable to Kevlar. Their massive size comes with an obvious superhuman level of strength as well as a few hindrances. Their immense size makes everything they do expend that much more energy, adding gravity weighing them down and they're lucky they're even able to move. They sleep about 18 hours a day, and ingest entire rams for meals. They have extremely sharp claws on their feet and hands making them that much more dangerous. Their skin color varies from shades of green, yellow, and orange. [hider=Appearance][img]https://i.imgur.com/wQKVVDi.jpg[/img][/hider] History: They are indigenous to the Durot mountains and are not often seen outside the mountain range. Occasionally, when a big storm comes in and causes a mudslide or just floods their home, an ogre will come down the mountain, wreaking havoc on the surrounding villages. These constant destructive rampages expedited the building of city walls in the area surround the mountain range. The worst Ogre attack to happen was during the Reign of King Fernando. During a cathedral service, lead by the King and Queen, a small group of Ogres came charging down the mountains directly towards the, then, much smaller city of Rothenburg. Back then, the Temple was on the southern edge of the town, directly in the path of the rampaging giants. The city guard forces managed to stop most of the stampede, unfortunately, they couldn't stop them all. The first ogre to collide into the temple fell through the south wall of the building taking down the stone structure. The falling rubble crushed the monster and all those who were unable to escape the temple, including King Fernando and his wife. This event is what spurred Gustavo and Hugo to overhaul the city walls project. Weaknesses: Much like their cousin, The Cyclops, Ogre’s eyes are a weak point in their natural body armor. Though they are significantly tougher than men, they are able to be killed by means of bashing in their skulls. The groin is also another significant soft spot, plus fresh Ogre testes are worth a small fortune. They are giant simpletons, so it is not hard to outsmart and evade them in the right environment. [/hider] [hider=Witches of Belvoir] Much like the myths and legends, the Witches of Belvoir are older than any record the kingdom has. They do not ride brooms, or have black cats, nor do they have magic wands. A truth that has been worked into the myth, is the witches cauldron. Witches are on the forefront of alchemical science. A proper blend of Lycan hair and wendigo blood, is a slow burning tar, capable of burning for hours on just the smallest amounts. Ground up wolf’s fang is a stimulant similar to pcp. The witches themselves are not immortal, though age does not harm them, they have been kept alive by finding new and disturbing ways to sustain themselves. Only a few have actually people have encountered an actual witch, none having the courage to fight them, they have no publicly known weakness. It is assumed, since they were once just people, they can still be cut open, assuming anyone could ever get close enough to find out. The myth of witches fearing water was put to rest when a witch was spotted on a boat, heading out into Triest Sea. Some wonder if they are light sensitive, as none have ever been spotted during the day time, and they wear large cloaks to cover what can only be assumed are frail bodies. Appearance: Witches are capable of deceiving the simple minded, walking amongst the common folk without being noticed. Using the hair of women, they are able to craft illusions of perception, making themselves look young and beautiful. The only way to tell if someone is in fact a witch, is to physically strike them, forcing them to break the illusion. Abilities: They are able to create curses. Many attribute the Lycanthropy outbreak to the witches. Many believe they are able to polymorph people though it is not proven, It is also believed they have some sort of voodoo-like ability. They have also become immune to the aging process as well as most poisons and diseases. Weaknesses: Fire is known to be a successful killer of witches, as well as sharp and blunt weapons. They are capable of being killed by most normal means. [hider=Witch One][img]https://i.imgur.com/ncQtLg6.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=witch Two][img]https://i.imgur.com/XNyJ7lE.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=witch Three][img]https://i.imgur.com/nJAklPS.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Witch Four][img]https://i.imgur.com/Wfo7qyq.jpg[/img][/hider] [/hider] [hider=Fauna] These are the more common creatures that can be found throughout the Kingdom. Each creature has it's own habitats and it's own level of danger. [hider=Giant bear] Appearance/Biology: These truck sized beast are fur covered tanks with teeth. Each claw is about the size of a large dagger, attached to a cauldron sized paw, on trunk like arms and legs with a massive body frame to match. If one is to stand on its hind legs, it can tower to nearly 20 ft tall. These beasts are the kings of the forest, often only coming out of their caves for food. They are aggressive and will attack without provocation. [hider=Picture][img]https://i.imgur.com/RBiGNtI.jpg[/img][/hider] History: The bear population was diminished heavily by Lucian and his band of hunters decades ago. What remains now is the remnants of a once dangerously abundant force of nature. Though they are not extinct, they’re vast forest homeland has been reduced to an eighth of what it once was. Bear pelt has its luxurious luster and, due its abundance, the only gain nowadays from hunting one is the thrill of almost dying. Weaknesses: Their giant size only makes them a giant targets. Though they are tough and don't go down on the first hit, they do not have any kind of natural body armor to guard them. They are also extremely susceptible to attacks from behind. [/hider] [hider=Ondorro Spiders] Appearance/Biology: They are about the size of a dinner plate though in some cases have been comparable to a small hound. They are bright orangish red, and are capable of seeing a full 180 degree radius in front of them thanks to their eyes wrapping down the side of their head. They have an extremely strong armor-like exoskeleton capable of withstanding dull blades, fangs, arrows, and most unarmed attacks. Ondorro silk is one of the most sought after materials in the kingdom, though it is extremely delicate and hard to gather. The spiders are also known for their venom’s paralyzing affects, being instantaneous upon entering the bloodstream. [hider=Picture][img]https://i.imgur.com/68Kvjxl.jpg[/img][/hider] History: The Ondorro spider, as its name would suggest, is located mainly in the Ondorro forest, though it is not uncommon for them to occasionally be found in other forested areas in the Kingdom. Before the invention of steel and the first blade, these creatures ravaged the human population. It is commonly believed that, in the dark times, these creatures were bigger than horses, and were capable of eating entire tribes of men. Though they are not nearly as big as their legendary ancestors, they are still extremely dangerous, and have turned an entire section of the forest into their nesting grounds. Entering the Ondorro nest is a death sentence, once used by a former king as a form of execution. No warrior, tribe or army has ever walked through the massive webbed maze and lived. Weaknesses: despite their exoskeleton, they are not impervious to brute force attacks. A sharp sword or heavy, spiked club can do the job with the right amount of force. Fire is a fantastic repellent and killer. [/hider] [hider=Harpies] Appearance/Biology: Appearance depends on gender. Males are winged quadrupeds with a vulture like face and furry body. Small bony spikes protrude from its skin, covering its body giving it a natural defense. It has ten total talons, along with a long thick tail. Females on the other hand, are bipedal with winged arms. They are also bald on their heads and bodies, and have no protruding bone spikes, but are overall much larger than males. [hider=Male][img]https://i.imgur.com/Gybaae4.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Female][img]https://i.imgur.com/9MsuaDL.jpg[/img][/hider] History: Harpies are loud, viscous monsters known for abducting civilians. They swoop down, releasing a terrifying cackle and dig their talons into their prey to carry them away. Harpies are based out of the canyon southeast of Estramoz, making their homes in the caves that cover the canyon walls. The townspeople of Estramoz often claim that, in the night, you can hear the collective cackle echoing from the canyon all the way from the village. Weaknesses: City walls with an archer patrol will keep the townspeople safe, as long as they are a good shot. Harpies are not known for their subtlety and are not capable of sneaking up on anyone. The ability to fly also comes with hollow bones, making them quite weak to blunt force. [/hider] [hider=Jaguar] Appearance/Biology: Small agile creatures, known for their speed and ferocity. They are quick hunters, capable of travelling at high speeds, they can outrun most other creatures. Jaguars normally hunt in packs to make up for the size disadvantage. They have a mouth full of blade-like teeth and are viscous carnivores. [hider=Picture][img]https://i.imgur.com/t2jX5P9.jpg[/img][/hider] History: Before the invention of the sword or shield, Jaguars posed quite a threat to humans and were one of the most common predators around. Once man began forging blades, the Jaguar quickly fell down the food chain, and the populations slowly deflated. Now they are plains-dwelling animals, often pestering farmers by attacking their livestock. Weaknesses: Though they are quick and have a nasty bite, they are still only as dangerous as a rabid dog. They are easily stopped by arrows, daggers, swords, etc. [/hider] [hider=Sirens and Mermaids] Appearance/Biology: When hunting, both Sirens and Mermaids appear as gorgeous women. Sirens often are found preening on rocks or near the seashore while singing their hauntingly beautiful songs. Mermaids, on the other hand, spend their time in the water. While hunting, they appear as beautiful, albeit fish-tailed women who beckon sailors to their deaths. Once their pray has been ensnared and the spell has been broken, they show their true forms. Sirens have sharp fangs that often protrude from their mouths, large wings and pupil-less eyes. They have long, claw-like fingers that they use to dig into their prey. Likewise with the mermaid, their true forms are much less appealing. Their natural gills are located on the sides of their cheeks and their mouths are much larger than the average human's. They have sharp teeth for tearing flesh and webbed fingers for swimming. Their eyes seem to glow, a warm invitation until one finds oneself actually in the water with them, then it becomes a terrifying nightmare. [hider=Sirens][img]http://www.northwesternflipside.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Harpy.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Mermaids][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/64/0b/0d/640b0d20d8bceb0ea9d473c8fe97806e--scary-mermaid-mermaid-art.jpg[/img][/hider] History: Sirens and Mermaids took many lives of the early settlers along the coast of Belvoir. Even the ones who knew of the danger would often fall for their charms after spending weeks at sea with no women. People who lived near the sea could often hear the Siren's Song at night. Weaker-willed men and some women would be drawn to it and never seen again. Mermaids would sometime steal the Siren's prey when they wandered into the waters to reach the perch where the siren's were hunting from. This often leads to a rivalry between the two creatures, with some people reporting that they witnessed the two creatures fighting, staining the waters red. Weaknesses: Both creatures have little to no natural armor, therefore susceptible to most attacks. While they both have sharp claws that they use as a last resort to fight off anyone strong-willed enough to withstand their charms, they can be easily overpowered. [/hider] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=The Three Families] Other than the King himself, the Three Families are the most powerful people in the Kingdom. They live in great manors surrounded by tall walls to keep them separate from the rest of the commonfolk. They each have their own ties to the King and his family. They serve as advisers and help to govern the Kingdom and it's many peoples. This is also a lot of information that doesn't necessarily have to be read to understand the roleplay. It is here to help guide characters and create a better understanding of the Kingdom itself. [hider=King Gustavo Oslenburg] King Gustavo Oslenbrug has sat on on the throne for nearly half a century. His reign has been marked with the rise of things that go bump in the night. His Kingdom has grown exponentially since he took the throne at just sixteen. At eighteen he conquered new lands, expanding the Kingdom into territories never before seen by its people. By 20, he had doubled the size of his realm, and nearly quadrupled the number of citizens. This was not all thanks to the King. Where he excelled in charisma and leadership of his men, he failed to maintain order at home. Thankfully, his brother, Hugo, was a great politician, crafting the laws necessary to keep the Kingdom afloat at war time. Returning home, King Gustavo did not get married until the latter half of his reign. Mayella was a lowly serving girl, working in the castle, when Gustavo saw her. Her beauty had gone unnoticed by all before him. They were married in a month and birthed their first child just a year later. The King has a small council of advisers including, Lucian Filtiarn, Dromeus Ballanger, Nikias Weyenburg (recently he’s been sending a proxy, his daughter), Matilda Thackery, and Commander Grux. This council helps the King in all matters, giving him a good idea of what his people want. To secure power within the Kingdom, and keep important people happy, the King has recently entered his family into some powerful alliances. First, The King's aforementioned brother, Hugo, is newly wed to Lady Elaine Filtiarn. The king’s only daughter, Veltsa, has recently become engaged to Lord Ballanger’s son Lancelin. The King’s first son and heir, Michaleo, is also betrothed to Lady Emmaline. These marital agreements are what keep gold in the Kingdom’s vaults. The King is well liked throughout his Kingdom, despite the rampant bloodshed on the streets and the rise of the supernatural. At first the King thought the solution to be walls to protect his people from the monsters outside, only for them to find their way in. Next, the King thought to increase the guard patrols only for less guards to come back alive. His council has nearly run out of ideas as to deal with the mess. [hider=King Gustavo][img]https://i.imgur.com/mknldGB.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Queen Mayella][img]https://i.imgur.com/Eu0dvXX.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Prince Hugo][img]https://i.imgur.com/WIyRcNI.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Princess Veltsa][img]https://i.imgur.com/01evp2e.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Prince Michaelo][img]https://i.imgur.com/hqXppIJ.jpg[/img][/hider] [/hider] [hider=Filtiarn Family] Lord Lucian Filtiarn, the head of his family, is the owner of the Filtiarn logging company, responsible with supplying the whole kingdom with wood. When Lucian was young, long ago, the woods north of the Rothenburg were strictly forbidden for they were far too dangerous for travel. The woods were a death sentence to any who entered due to the overwhelming number of flesh eating creatures lurked in the trees. At the time the forest extended much further south, blocking the eastern routes out of the city, cutting trade circulation, and making it hard for outsider interaction. Lucian, a young man in great shape, was the leader of small group of warriors who occasionally hunted the monsters in the woods. Taking his men into the woods with only the tools they could carry, they began to hunt their way through the woods into the first clearing, at the time never before seen, now nonexistent. Setting up camp, this clearing would eventually become the main log house of his enterprise. Initially, the log houses were outposts, for Lucian and his ever growing pack of warriors. Once clearing the threats to their safety, they would clear sections of the forest. This was the start of what would become a monopoly on one of the most abundant and most needed resources in the kingdom thanks to Lucian being the only person with building rights within the forest. Lady Essenia Filtiarn, Lucians only love in life, was tragically and publically killed many years ago. Lucian and Essenia had been in love since childhood, though Lucian never felt qualified to give her the life she deserved. Lucian finally proposed after selling his first load of logs, allowing him to buy her the most gorgeous gown ever crafted in any kingdom. Luther, born with heterochromia, arrived about nine months later. His sister Elaine would not arrive for 7 more years however. The death of Essenia still very much remains a mystery, with many suspecting Lucian caught her infidelity and ended both it and her life. He was the first one to find her body laying in a pool of blood. The cause of death is still widely speculated, though no one really knows. The Funeral was bigger than some of the previous kings, her kindness and generosity known widely throughout the land. The death of his wife, changed Lucians personality and demeanor. His smile died with his wife, along with his sense of empathy and really any emotion. His face remains a stone scowl, piercing your soul with his unforgiving gaze. Essenia’s death also heightened his paranoia, constantly fearing for his and his children’s lives. He was the first of the noble families to hire a house guard. Rather than hiring just ordinary mercenaries, Lucian hired some of the best trackers, marksmen, and a few brutish warriors from the arena. Giving them a uniform to gather behind, beds to sleep in, and a constant flow of gold for wine and women, it was not hard to hire a small army to defend his family manor. To further secure his place in the kingdom, Lucian married his daughter to the king's ‘younger’ brother, who is still twice her age. [hider=Lucian][img]https://i.imgur.com/nnXIIk7.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Luther][img]https://i.imgur.com/tQIt20U.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Elaine][img]https://i.imgur.com/NCfhbFL.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Essenia][img]https://i.imgur.com/MSid2RJ.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Filtiarn Guard][img]https://i.imgur.com/57r6mEi.jpg[/img][/hider][/hider] [hider=Ballanger Family] As head of the Ballanger family, Dromeus Ballanger was born into a wealthy family. His grandfather owned much of the land in and around Rothenburg before it was largely populated. They allowed peasants and other nobles to live on their land for a price. Inheriting the family business, Dromeus expanded, taking advantage of poor families and buying any land that went up for sale, whether it was previously occupied or not. Felicia came from another city, her family quickly running out of money, they arranged a marriage with Dromeus out of necessity. While their marriage started on uncertain terms, they began to grow fond of each other over the years and it wasn't long before they had their three children: Lancelin, the eldest, Viliame the middle son, and Eudeline, the youngest and their only girl. Just recently, Felicia carried a child almost to term when she lost the baby and almost her own life as well. Ever since that incident, she has been locked away in their home, barely ever leaving and supposedly in a deep depression. Following suit with the Filtiarn family, Dromeus hired a band of guards to watch over their home and his family. They guard the estate and the walls which surround it. They also have household servants who do much of the family's shopping and other similar chores for them so they don't have to be out amongst the common folk. After the untimely death of their newest infant, Dromeus talked the king into allowing his daughter to marry Dromeus's eldest son, Lancelin. It wasn't unexpected for a noble family as theirs, but it felt rushed at the time. Rumors spread that Felicia was dying and wanted to see at least one of her children wed before her death. Others said that the death of their infant shook their family and made them all realize their mortality. [hider=Dromeus] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/0e/5e/03/0e5e03d9da7fd2fe85f05278cc702072.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Felicia] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/5c/71/2e/5c712e42a7bc22c9c839f954d7374c40--portrait-art-fantasy-characters.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Lancelin] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/6c/1a/f0/6c1af03953c49be40261f27d54c086d1.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Viliame] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/6f/2f/6a/6f2f6ae237a2923aba574cbf7341c9e2.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Eudeline] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/8e/48/b5/8e48b5138608ff8b219078b0d4f89214--beautiful-fantasy-art-beautiful-artwork.jpg[/img] [/hider][/hider] [hider=Weyenberg Family] Nikias Weyenberg was born into a middle class family and worked throughout most of his childhood. When he was a teenager, he was traveling with his family's caravan filled with their goods when it was attacked by a group of thieves. Not much is known about what happened during or in the weeks following the attack, but Nikias was eventually found by some traveling knights. He was the only one left of the group but he wouldn't speak to what had happened. The knights who found him took him back to Rothenburg where they brought him to the King. Feeling pity for the boy, the king took him in and allowed him work collecting taxes from the peasants. As time went on, Nikias gained favor with the king and became quite influential. He worked hard and provided results. He began hiring new workers to help with tax collecting, even hiring thugs to make sure they got every last penny. This proved especially effective when those who couldn't pay up would come up missing. Having done quite well for himself, Nikias built up his own manor just outside the castle. He married a beautiful young noblewoman named Elana and had four children, Emmeric, Rosaline, Emmeline and Charillos. Rosaline recently got engaged to the king's nephew and Emmeline to the king's youngest son. Over the last few years, the family has gotten more and more secretive. It started after their youngest son, Charillos was five. They began building a second fence inside their manor walls. This didn't raise much concern among the citizens of the kingdom, as they assumed it was for decoration, as Elana quite enjoyed gardening. Then they hired guards. There were only a few at first but they quickly grew in number. It was then that the noblemen and women of Rothenburg realized that they hadn't seen Elana or Nikias in quite some time. Rumors spread that they contracted a plague or that they were both dead. The two daughters and the youngest boy were the only ones who ever left the estate, and even that was a rare occurrence. The guards weren't permitted past the second fence, so none of them even knew what was going on. They didn't question their loyalty, however, as they were still receiving plenty of food and a comfortable living. [hider=Nikias] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/236x/d7/60/26/d7602693b87b7b15418a5530609f8ed8--fantasy-portrait-rpg-portrait.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Elana] [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTQy3Ng4DVLUJx1ro5Ez_m5FT4rhyixJ0MLCg2G1ucI-Rz_nZqv[/img] [/hider] [hider=Emmeric] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/b4/99/70/b49970e3e575f7044a66bda0d0662e49.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Rosaline] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/85/31/b3/8531b3a687b9c49af8d4ac29f496ad52.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Emmaline] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/1f/21/c2/1f21c213eac4de3a47b58864cc7b5146--fantasy-heroes-fantasy-characters.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Charillos] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/9e/e0/6a/9ee06a7caadd9bf26c21886154136ead.jpg[/img] [/hider][/hider] [/hider] [h1][center]Rules[/center][/h1] These rules should mostly be common sense: don't start any trouble and we should be fine. 1. Be courteous to other players, don't provoke or get into fights in the ooc. 2. Listen to the GM and any mods that may make requests 3. Either send your CS to me for approval before posting in the character tab or post it in the OOC page for approval. 4. Try to keep your posts interesting. A paragraph or two is preferred but creativity is more important than length. Make sure you put some thought into it before you post. 5. No overpowered characters, godmodding, controlling other characters without the owners permission, etc. 6. I'm not going to limit the number of characters you can play. It's up to you to decide how many you can handle. 7. This is an 18+ roleplay so fighting, gore, romance is accepted, just follow the Guild's rules with how far you take it. 8. Please try to be fairly active. Try to post in the IC or OOC [i]at least[/i] once every few days, if not more. 9. Just use common sense and have fun! [h2][center]Application[/center][/h2] Please send your character sheet to me or post it in ooc for me to approve before posting it to the character tab. The only creatures available for humans to become are lycans and vampires. While I would allow someone to turn into a wendigo, note that once a human transforms, they don't turn back. They also lose a lot of their humanity and become more animalistic. If you are going to play as a creature, we may need to work together to make sure the story of your character has to match some of the unknown background of the story. I also encourage multiple characters, if you are able, as I want a variety of characters. I don't want all hunters or all monsters, I want some civilians to get stuck in the midst of the fighting and politics. [h3]Hunter Character Sheet[/h3] Hunter’s Name: Age: Appearance: Weapon of choice: Armor of choice: Strengths: Specify 3-5, both mental and physical Weaknesses: Specify 3-5, both mental and physical Personality: History: How did they get invited into the Hunters Guild? (ie how the King or someone close to the King knows of their abilities/reputation) [h3]Human Character Sheet[/h3] Name: Age: Appearance: Occupation/Status: Nobeleman, peasant, beggar, etc. Strengths: Specify 3-5, both mental and physical Weaknesses: Specify 3-5, both mental and physical Personality: History: [h3]Monster Character Sheet[/h3] Name: Age: Creature: Vampire or Lycan? Appearance: Strengths: Weaknesses: Personality: History: (including how they became what they are and how they have hidden it thus far)