[quote=@Sierra] I wasn't actually throwing shade at DeadDrop. I don't believe I've ever even put in a CS for one of his RPs (nothing personal there bud, just never saw anything there I was really excited to do). Neither of my callouts have been on people who actually read this thread ... and if for some reason they do see it and know I'm calling them out, I really don't care. That was the damn point. [/quote] if i was talking about u i would of tagged u dude LOL. [quote=@ArenaSnow] Oh come now, to click the blue [Post Reply] button, there must be a wee bit of care somewhere deep down, eh? [/quote] this thread is poo. [quote=@Grim] This is why you don't try to subtly throw shade in the bitch thread. [/quote] i love u