[color=red]"WEll then it's a pleasure to meet you, Samus Aran."[/color]" Abigail didn't hesitate to take the older woman's hand. Honestly, it was tempting to hold on to it a bit longer than need be, but she fought the urge for the moment. The night was still young, and she was still getting a feel for the stranger. Besides, the name had a ring to it. She couldn't quiet place it at the moment, because even though the bell was ringing, she couldn't quiet track it down thanks to the alcoholic fog that made navigator through her inner workings a nightmare. The redheaded pirate, turned space pirate, turned whatever it was she was now, in regards to the UoD, tapped a finger against her chin as she thought. [color=red]"Samus Aran? Samus Aran?"[/color] She laughed, again louder than she meant. [color=red]"The names got some ring to it. Not sure if its because I've heard somewhere, or I'm just a fan of the face it's attached to."[/color] She shrugged and leaned further on the table, not quiet close enough to be consider a space invader, but nearing the point where she'd cross over into strange lands. [color=red]"Anyways, you mentioned a rough day, right? So I'm sure you could do with a few more drinks. Nothing gets to the point of R&R than being too tipsy to remember where you live, I always say, or will say from now on."[/color] Grinning the red head picked up one of the mugs she brought and placed it down in front of Samus. [color=red]"Here you go, some grade A ale. The best I"ve tried."[/color] Abigail raised her mug up in a toast and took a deep pull of her drink, draining half the mug. [color=red]"Ah. Now that hits the spot"[/color] The smooth, soft tissue that was the skin on her face turned red. [color=red]"So you mentioned not staying too long, right? I'll admit it'll be a shame to watch you go, but the universe isn't really is big as everyone makes it out to be so I'm not going to worry about that. What I'm more curious about is what it is a fine lass such as yourself, with the kind of equipment you've got on, does for a living?"[/color] She nudged her eyebrows at Samus. [color=red]"Personally, I'm assuming you're into some kind of mercenary work."[/color]