[quote=@Cerces22] [color=f49ac2]"There is not, I thank you. And hey you, kid I battled can't always keep your head buried in a book. Take it from me, you will only learn so much from them, I was the same way, but there is so much to learn on the road that a book can't teach."[/color] With that Liz left, she made a stop at the Pokemon center to take care of her defeated friends. Soon enough she was on route 8, she checked her dex to see if Rin messaged her, maybe at the next town she will call and see if they are ok... [/quote] Liz walked through the forest for a while, until she came upon a lake. The sun was getting low in the sky at this point, and the lake, well it seemed to be nothing more than an extension of Nasi Town. People were drinking and having a great time on their boats. It was all rather unremarkable considering all that Liz had seen today. There was one unique sight though, a rather sad one at that. A little boy sat underneath a tree, crying. Sitting beside him was a small [url=https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Sableye_(Pok%C3%A9mon)]Sableye[/url]. The Sableye mime whistled, as if he didn't have a care in the world, completely oblivious to his trainer's sadness. [hider=Sad Kid][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/d4c68f17-fc9e-4e3a-9e9b-48e463bbc6a3.png[/img][/hider] [hider=Bonus Info: Please Read]A little boy is crying next to his Sableye (a [b]level 6[/b] Sableye). Will Liz stop to check on the boy?[/hider]