[@Wick][h1][color=teal][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/NJFs3b8.jpg[/img] Wayne[/center][/color][/h1][hr] Alexis' internalized racism grated across Wayne's nerves, causing a small scowl to form on his lips before he intentionally dispelled it; Hexenbiests were among the most hated by the Grimm, as their magic and cruelty were both powerful and unprecedented. No other populous race had such an affinity for combat magic. However, it still irritated the Wesen as she rambled on about hatred based on heritage alone. [color=teal]"Unfortunately, Hexenbiests aren't entirely gratuitous when it comes to sharing information about themselves,"[/color] Wayne commented, glanced down at the woman beside him. [color=teal]"I'm uncertain of when your mother was turned, or if that had any effect on your heritage. My guess is that the fact that you have been previously unaware of your heritage has impacted your ability to Woge or access your abilities. Typically, one only Woges during any feat of physical, mental, or magical exertion, as well as during emotionally charged moments. Grimm's can see through our human disguises... Elias has either been blinded to your true identity, or for some reason, he is incapable of viewing your true form."[/color] [color=teal][i]Unless he has been aware of your true identity this entire time...[/i][/color] The thought troubled Wayne, however, he kept it to himself. Such a situation would be highly improbable. [color=teal]"As for your headaches whenever magic is used on you, there's two explanations- Agh!"[/color] Wayne continued, grunting in frustration as a rather large Bauerschwein jostled into him, resulting in the larger Wesen to turn to Wayne with a sneer. Before he could speak a word in his garbled English, the Bauerschwein locked eyes with the Avian Wesen. Instantly, he dropped his gaze, mumbling a soft, congested apology before moving away, disappearing into the drift of traffic. His large form was easily discernible through the crowd, however, Wayne took no interest in him, returning his gaze to Alexis and continuing their conversation without skipping a beat. [color=teal]"Either you were being assaulted by a young, unlearned Hexenbiest, which I find highly unlikely, as they aren't typically allowed to roam beyond their Coven's walls until they are highly competent,"[/color] Wayne said. [color=teal]"Or you have an affinity for resisting magic. Unless you are Grimm, a Hexenbiest can often probe your mind undetected. Only skilled hunters, other magic-capable beings, and Grimms are capable of detecting them. Whether you are fully Hexenbiest, fully human, or some form of hybrid, you have developed an affinity for magic."[/color] [hider=Bauerschwein][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/grimm/images/7/72/BauerschweinConcept.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/149?cb=20130507230209[/img][/hider]